Wednesday, January 23, 2019

II Timothy 2   Paul teaches that prayer is vital.. in order for us to keep living in faith and purity and love .   He urges believers to make "entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings"  on "behalf of all men".. including kings.  Why?  ".. in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." 

"This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 

This passage always convicts me of my failure to pray for our government leaders.  I am generally disgusted with those who are in Washington.  They all seem selfish, greedy, and power-hungry.  But, that is so judgemental, isn't it?  And, we are commanded to respect them, love them, and pray for them... for God desires them all to be saved!

Lord God, help me to be more faithful in praying for our country' s leaders.

Paul again focuses on the importance of preaching the truth.  There is "one God and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony borne at the proper time." 

To live according to this Truth, Paul exhorts men to pray "lifting up holy hands without wrath and dissension."   Pure love, sincere faith, and a good conscience... absolutely vital!

He also exhorts women to live according to Truth.  Because we belong to Jesus, we need to honor Him by dressing with modesty and discretion.  We should be known for our good works instead of our extravagant wardrobe.  We should show respect for our husbands and others.  We should "continue in faith and love and sanctity with self -restraint." 

If the most important thing in "the sight of God" is for all people to be saved and to walk in Truth, then that should be the primary desire for every Christian man or woman.  All our actions, all our relationships, all our motivations, all of our lives... should reflect this ultimate purpose.

Father in heaven, transform us by renewing our minds with Your Truth.  Take us and mold us into godly, pure, sincere, and faithful servants.  We do pray for our country and those in positions of governing.  Bring them to the knowledge of Truth and salvation.  We petition You for their repentance and redemption.  May they bow before You and recognize Your greatness and authority over them.  May they humble themselves and turn away from their stubborn, unbelieving hearts.  May we be able to live tranquil and quiet lives of godliness and dignity. We give You thanks that You hear our petitions and that You can do all things!   Be glorified Lord!
We pray this in the name of our Mediator, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

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