Monday, January 21, 2019

II Thessalonians 2-3  It is so vital that we know the Truth and that we walk according to it!   The church in Thessalonica was disturbed by a false teaching.. that the "day of the Lord" had already come.. and that they missed it!   Paul clarifies it for them, reminding them of what they had already been taught.  Before the final judgement, things would happen.. there would be a time of "apostasy", the rise of a "man of lawlessness",  and the removal of the One who "now restrains" him.

Receive the truth, Paul exhorts us. Don't be deluded or confused.
"...God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth..." ( v13)
".. He called you through our gospel, that you may gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." ( v14) 

"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word." 

Paul reminds them that God is faithful..
He will strengthen and protect us from the evil one.
He will direct our hearts into His love and into the "steadfastness of Christ"
He will give us peace in all circumstances when we trust Him and obey His word.

Our part is to walk according to the godly examples that we have been given.
We are to "work in a quiet fashion and eat our own bread". 
We are to "not grow weary of doing good." 

God, our Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ, we praise You and honor You, for You alone are worthy of all worship.  You have our hearts.  Your love for us has been poured out upon us..  You chose us, You have saved us, You are sanctifying us, and You are directing us in Your Truth.  We do ask that You continue to accomplish Your perfect will in each of us, bringing us into alignment with our Savior. Fill us again with Your Spirit that we might walk today in all Truth, steadfast and faithful.
May our hearts be filled with Your love.. overflowing in praise and thanksgiving.
Amen and amen.

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