Thursday, January 24, 2019

II Timothy 3  This chapter is a very practical guide for church leadership.  Yet, these characteristics listed for overseers, deacons, and women, are exactly what Christ calls us all to have as we live by His Spirit and walk worthy of His calling.

Included here. we are called:

To be faithful spouses
To be temperate ( moderate, self-restrained)
To be prudent (having sound judgement and self-control)
To be respectable
To be hospitable
To be able to teach
To not be pugnacious( quarrelsome or combative)  or drunkards
To be gentle
To be uncontentious
To be free from addictions and love of money
To be good parents
To be humble
To have a good reputation
To have dignity
To speak truthfully
To be beyond reproach
To be faithful

To have a clear conscience.. and "a great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus."

Verse 16 "And by common confession great is the mystery of godliness:  
He who was revealed in the flesh, 
Was vindicated in the spirit, 
Beheld by angels,
Proclaimed among the nations, 
Believed on in the world,
Taken up in glory." 

In other words, we need to be "exceptional in the ordinary" things of life, by letting go of.. dying to our old selfish lives.. and being alive in Christ alone for He is the "mystery of godliness"!

Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, our Savior, we come before You to ask that once again You will fill us with Your Spirit so that we can walk a worthy walk, pleasing You in all aspects of our lives.  May we honor You in our marriages and in our families.  May we live in dignity and be beyond reproach in our daily lives, reflecting the character of Christ, who is our life.  We pray this in the name of Jesus, according to Your Holy Word. Amen.

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