Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Colossians 3   This "new self" -made complete in Him - "raised up with Christ" - given "all the wealth" and treasures that are His -  is "hidden with Christ in God." 

He is our life.  The old flesh.. the old self.. the old life.. is dead.   It no longer enslaves us to sin.  It no longer has authority to cause us to be immoral, impure, evil, greedy, or idolatrous.  The new life.. the Life of Christ.. has been "renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him..." 

So, as we "keep seeking the things above..." and set our "minds on the things above" we become more and more like Him.

Our new spiritual, supernatural life - takes control of the body and considers it dead to "immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed" .  It puts aside "anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech."  It does not lie.

Instead, our lives reflect the holiness of our Lord - His Life comes out -

a "heart of compassion"
bearing with one another, 
.. forgiving one another... "

We "put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity". 
His peace rules our hearts.
We are filled with thankfulness.

Our words are His - teaching with wisdom, admonishing with scripture and hymns and psalms.
We are thankful.
We do and say everything in His Name and for His glory.

Our relationships reflect His truth.
Our work reflects His character.
We are sincere and faithful servants of our Lord.

We are looking to the day when He will be revealed and we are revealed in Him.
We are looking for the "reward of the inheritance" that He has prepared for us.

Keep seeking, we are told.
Keep our eyes and our minds on the finish line.. where Christ our Lord "is seated at the right hand of God. "

Father, keep my mind and life right here - focused on these truths - for the Day of Your salvation is coming nearer and nearer.  Your Kingdom come and Your will be done! O, how we long to see the glory of our Lord.. face to face.  Hold us in Your loving arms we pray. Amen .

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