Tuesday, January 22, 2019

I Timothy 1  Verse 5 : "But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 

Once again, Paul reminds us all that a worthy walk isn't based on knowledge or wisdom or works.. but on the Truth... God alone is  our Savior and Christ Jesus is  our hope.

There were some that were teaching "strange doctrines".  They were taking "myths".. "genealogies".. and parts of the Law, which they did not understand and didn't even know what they were talking about.. and making "confident assertions".  They were leading people astray. They were far from Truth and shipwrecked!

Paul clarifies that the problem is not with the Law.  The Law is given "for those who are lawless".
If we don't know right from wrong.. we will not know when we have sinned.  Paul reminds his readers that those who are "rebellious.. ungodly... unholy..  and profane" need to know the Truth.   However, just knowing the Law does not save us.   It is only the "glorious gospel of the blessed God."  that reveals His saving grace.  In ".. faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus"... we find  the Truth.. " Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners... believe in Him for eternal life " 

Keep "faith and a good conscience.. " Paul tells Timothy.. "fight the good fight". 
The goal is love. The Bible Knowledge Commentary says this, " Each member of this beautiful trio (love, good conscience , sincere faith) speaks of a purity and integrity which produces the most exquisite kind of selfless love, seen in its ultimate form in God's love itself."

False teaching cannot produce true love or faith.  It cannot produce a "good conscience".   It is not based on the Truth and is worthless. Only God Himself, in love, with mercy and grace, demonstrating His perfect patience, can bring about True love, sincere faith, and a good conscience. Let us keep walking in these Truths.

Father in heaven, great is Your Name in all the earth!  There is none other who Loves as You do. You have shown us mercy and delivered us from falsehoods that come from Satan.  We cling to Your Word, which is Truth. We cling to Jesus, who alone can save us from our sins.  We choose to keep faith, to walk in purity, and to love, even as You have loved us.  We know that we cannot do this on our own, but only by Christ Jesus, who is our hope.  Fill us now with Your Spirit that we might continue to walk in Your Truth.. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen

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