Monday, January 14, 2019

I Thessalonians 3   Paul's concern for the church at Thessalonica is so tender and loving. He "could endure it no longer".. he had to know how they were doing.. so he sent Timothy to find out.  How happy he was to hear the news that Timothy brought back!  Their faith and love and kindness towards Paul revealed a firm stand in the Lord.

But, Paul was still faithful in his prayers for this church and all the churches that he had begun.  Again, he gives a great example of how to pray...

" Now may our God and Father, Himself
and Jesus our Lord,
direct our way to you. 
and may the Lord cause you to 
increase and abound
in love for one another,
 and for all men, 
just as we also do for you.
so that
He may establish your hearts unblamable in holiness
before our God and Father
at the coming
of our Lord Jesus
with all His saints. " (v11-13)

Father, help us to be faithful in prayer for those that are part of our "family"... those that You have given to us to love and serve.  May their love increase and abound, Father.. Their love for You and their love for each other.  Lord of all, we pray that You will establish their hearts.. in blameless holiness.  Thank You for the vastness of Your grace and the unending love that You have for us. 
We praise You, Lord, for nothing is impossible with You!!  

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