Thursday, January 10, 2019

I Thessalonians

These people received the Gospel "in power and in the Holy Spirit".  
They turned from idols "to serve a living and true God. "  
They were known for their works of faith, for their labors of love, and for their steadfastness in hope.  Their reputation as faithful followers of Jesus had spread across Macedonia.
Their perseverance despite tribulations resulted in great joy among believers.
They awaited the return of Jesus Christ "from heaven".. the same Jesus who rose from the dead, "who delivers us from the wrath to come." 

Can we see ourselves in these words of testimony from Paul?

Can we also, proclaim that we have received the gospel, not just in words, but in power.. in the Holy Spirit.. and with "full conviction"? 
Do our lives reveal the "joy of the Spirit" in the midst of troubles?
Does the testimony of our personal faith move beyond our own four walls?
Have we truly turned from every and all false idol.. to the One and Only living God?
Do we wait eagerly for the Son?
Do we keep our eyes on "the things above", setting our minds firmly on those things that really matter.. in heaven?

Peter wrote this, "Therefore, gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." ( I Peter 1:13)

If we are waiting for Jesus to return, we will live in blessed expectation... doing all that we do out of love and devotion to the Lord Jesus, who is our Master.  We will have a living hope, knowing that when He comes, He will bring grace... "When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory." 

We can only imagine...

Father in heaven, all glorious above, we bow down before You and worship You!  How amazing that You choose us... O, how we thank You!  Fill us with Your Spirit, that we might live in Christ and  for Christ, according to Your perfect will.  Let our hearts be filled with Your love.  Let our minds be girded and ready for action. Let our hope be sure and fixed on Jesus, our Lord.  It is in this matchless name we pray. Amen.

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