Thursday, January 31, 2019

II Timothy 2  There appears to have been a great struggle in the early church.. a struggle with "worldly and empty chatter;".. with false teachings.. with empty and useless "speculations".. with foolish quarrels.   Paul calls Timothy to be diligent.. " to present yourself approved to God as a workman.. handling accurately the word of truth." 

This was not an easy task for Timothy .  He had to be willing to "suffer hardship's"  just like Paul... as a faithful soldier of Christ Jesus.  As Christ's soldier, he was to work to please Him, not the world.  As an athlete, Paul says, works for the goal of winning the prize.. Christ's followers will compete according to the rules,  for He calls us to walk in Truth.  As a farmer works hard so that he can partake of his crops, a follower of Jesus will be diligent in living according to the truth, so he can receive all that Christ promises .  To go astray from the truth of the gospel, is to leave the firm foundation.. to fall into Satan's hands once again.

The truth, Paul says, is that Jesus died and we died with Him.  Jesus rose, and we rise with Him.
We will endure in Him and reign with Him.
But if we deny Him, He will deny us.
He is faithful, even when we are not.

"The Lord knows those who are His". We can trust Him fully. So, we must leave all wickedness behind and "pursue righteousness, faith, love,  and peace, with those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart." 

Our lives reveal what our hearts hold on to... so when we hold on to the Truth.. we can "be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting this who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth....

Father in heaven, You are the only True God and You have graciously given us the Word of Truth.  Let us know Your Word clearly, diligently studying and meditating on the Truth, rebuking all falsehoods, distractions, and wickedness.  Fix our eyes on Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ who is the Savior, the Living Word,  the One who died for us and in whom we have True life.   Rekindle the fire of faith in each of  us today I pray. Amen.

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