Monday, March 19, 2018

Jeremiah 40-43 Nebuzaradan, the "captain of the bodyguard" under the authority of Nebuchadnezzar, allowed Jeremiah to stay in Judah after they had taken the majority of the Jews into chains and led them to Babylon.   Jeremiah went to Mizpah where Gedaliah was living, having been appointed governor of Judah.  Gedaliah tried to help all those who were left in Judah.. this consisted of the poorest of the land, Jews who had returned from Moab, Ammon, and Edom, and some of the king's daughters.

Unfortunately, Gedaliah refused to listen to a warning from Johanan, and was killed by Ishmael who was sent from the Ammonite king.  Johanan then went after all the remnant that Ishmael had taken captive, and returned them back to Judah.  However, he then led them all to Egypt in rebellion against the Lord's command. He even forced Jeremiah to go with them.   Once again the Lord gives Jeremiah a word of prophecy telling them that they will be judged for this disobedience.  Egypt will also be conquered by Babylon.

Over and over again, the same pattern emerges.  They want to know what the Lord has to say, and then when He speaks, they turn around and refuse to listen! Jeremiah 44:4 " Yet I sent you all My servants the prophets, again and again, saying, 'Oh do not do this abominable thing which I hate. But, they did not listen or incline their ears to turn from their wickedness, so as not to burn sacrifices to other gods. " 

"Why are you doing great harm to yourselves ?"  God cries out to His people.  Even the remnant has not learned from the destruction of their city and their temple!  Calamity after calamity has come over them.. and they still would not listen.

Disobedience to the word of God will result in judgment.  The Lord offers every good and perfect gift to those who will listen to His voice and obey His Word.  But, again and again, He warns that rebellion and disobedience will result tin punishment.  This is what the fear of the Lord is all about.
A godly and righteous fear..  is more than just reverence .. although it is that also.  It is an understanding that God is holy and His will is for us to be holy.  We can only be holy as we walk by faith in Christ and by obedience to His perfect will. Trust and obey.. there is NO other way.

Psalm 25: 4-5 " Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. " 

The ways of the Lord.. His paths are paths of righteousness .  Not according to our world's interpretations.. but according to His Word.  The ten commandments are still standards to be observed.. but it goes beyond even those.  Jesus boiled it down to two essentials - Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.
The path of righteousness is the way of Truth .  Truth according to the Bible, God's Word.
We must listen .. and determine to live by His word, rejecting the voices of men.

Father in heaven, You are holy and righteous in all Your ways.  Guide us in Your truth and help us to live according to Your will. Keep our hearts pure and our hands clean as we seek to live for You and walk by Your Spirit who lives in us.  Forgive us our trespasses, O Lord. Search out and remove all unrighteousness from our hearts.  Be exalted O Lord, for You alone are God and there is no other.

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