Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jeremiah 47  This prophecy is against Philistia.  The land of Canaan was once invade by a group called the "Sea Peoples".  Among them came the Philistines, thought to have come originally from Crete. They were a fierce people who settled mainly in 5 city-states, including Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ashdod.

We know of the battles between Israel and the Philistines during the days of Samson, David, and Solomon.  Ashkelon was a major seaport, . a stronghold, and a business center.  Nebuchadnezzar came and conquered Ashkelon speedily and completely.  Verse 7 says it this way, " How can it ( the sword of the Lord) be quiet, When the Lord has given it an order? Against Ashkelon and against the seacoast - there He has assigned it."

Today, this area is under Israel's rule, but it is strongly Palestinian ( thought to be related to the Philistines)  and a continued area of conflict.  It is called the Gaza strip. This place still reflects the words of Jeremiah, " And the men will cry out, and every inhabitant will wail. Because of the noise of the galloping hoofs of his stallions, the tumult of his chariots and the rumbling of his wheels, the fathers have not turned back for their children, because of the limpness of their hands." ( v2-3)

Father in Heaven, Your word is the truth that we walk by, that we cling to, and that we will believe always.  Generation after generation there has been conflict in the land promised to Your people.  One day, that conflict will be over forever.. when Jesus returns to this earth to rule!  We lift our eyes once again and pray, "Come Lord Jesus!"  Yet, we also are so thankful that You are compassionate and slow to anger, abounding in love.. patiently waiting for the lost sinners to come home.  Thanks and praise to You, our God.. perfect in wisdom, power, and grace. Amen.

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