Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Jeremiah 44-45  After being forced to go to Egypt with the remnant of Jews, Jeremiah continued to pronounce the Lord's word of warning and judgment .  These people were so hard-hearted and hard-headed that they couldn't even accept the fact that Judah had been destroyed because of  their wickedness and idolatry.  When Jeremiah tells them that destruction is coming to them in Egypt they stoically refuse to give up their  worship of the "queen of heaven".  The women are the ones insistent on this and their husbands are agreeing with them.  Finally, the Lord just says go ahead and do it, but know this.. none of you will ever return to Judah.

The Lord does say that  a few would be able to return, but I cannot find a reference as to whether or not Jeremiah was one of them.

Chapter 45 is a short message expressly for Baruch.  This man was the writer and keeper of Jeremiah's prophecies.  Baruch may have been one of those few allowed to return to Judah.  ".. I will give your life to you as booty in all the places where you may go." the Lord declares.   Just don't seek great things for yourself.

Even as the words of Jeremiah were meant for the people of Judah, they always seem so relevant for our world today.  The "queen of heaven" that the women offered their sacrifices to - burning incense and making cakes in her image, and offering drinks to - supposedly provided for them material goods and fertility.  They were "well off and saw no misfortune", the women boasted. They gave the Lord no acknowledgement or honor.  The Lord did not even want them to say His Name any more.

 Our society refuses to give up its false gods, just like the Jews did.   As in this passage, we find hard-hearted and hard-headed women in our day.. bent on doing what they want to do.. and trying to force it on everyone else.  Yet, we know that God's Word will stand firm and He will not be moved.   Sin is still sin, even if our society wants to throw it into every media venue, into every city, town, and state, or even into the laws of our land.  Lord, help us.

Father in heaven, show us Your ways  and teach us Your paths. Guide us in Your truth and teach us, for You are God our Savior.  We put our hope in You all day long!  Lord, Your Word is like a hammer that shatters rock.. and we ask that You break the hard hearts of the wicked.  Turn our world back to the truth. May they see You and acknowledge that You alone are God and there is no other.  I pray specifically for family members that are still walking in rebellion and ignorance, Lord; asking that You would have mercy and open their eyes and ears.. to see You and to hear Your voice and to turn to You.  I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

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