Friday, March 16, 2018

Jeremiah 36-39  There are several  events recorded here as the time of judgement draws near.  Jeremiah dictated all of his prophecies to Baruch, a scribe.  This scroll was read in the Lord's house, then was sent to the king - Jehoiakim at that time - who proceeded to cut it up and throw it into the fire.  Jeremiah was then instructed to rewrite it and add the word that Jehoiakim would not be spared, and would lose the throne for his descendants.

Zedekiah seemed to listen to Jeremiah, and even allowed his rescue when some had thrown him into a muddy cistern, but  he ultimately rebelled against God and against Nebuchadnezzar .  Jeremiah pleaded with Zedekiah to surrender and be taken into exile, but he refused and was captured trying to flee.  All his son's were killed as he watched and then his eyes were blinded. All of the palaces, the walls, and the temple were burned down by the Babylonians.

Jeremiah was spared.  Somehow, Nebuchadnezzar commanded that Jeremiah not be harmed.  They put him in the care of Gehaliah,  who was made governor by Nebuchadnezzar .  Ebed-melech, an Ethiopian, who had helped Jeremiah be removed from the cistern is mentioned again at the end of chapter 39 - "Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, 'Behold, I am about to bring My words on this city for disaster and not for prosperity; and they will take place before you on that day. But I will deliver you on that day... because you have trusted in Me..'" 

Again we are reminded that God looks at every heart and judges according to each person's deeds.
Some are spared, some are not. Those who trust the Lord and live in obedience to His Word can stand firm on this truth!  God is able to deliver us - in the fire and in the storm - in wars and in famines and  in times of sickness.  How great is our God.. how kind to show us compassion and mercy.

Father in heaven, even as we look around our country today and see the sinfulness and are exposed to the falsehoods of our society's thinking - we know that You are True and Your Word has not changed.
Sin is still sin. Rebellion against Your Word is still punishable by death.  My heart breaks to see how our children's lives are being pulled into immorality and lies by the philosophy of those who deny You. But, they will not win.  Darkness cannot overcome Your Light.  We put on the armor again Lord - truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and we take up the sword of Your Spirit.. the word of God.. and we pray!  Bring revival, Lord.  Bring repentance and salvation to our towns and states.. to our senators and governors.  Let Your church awake and rise up to proclaim the Truth.  Help us to be faithful and to persevere, we pray, in Jesus' name, amen.

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