Thursday, March 1, 2018

Jeremiah 23 From verse 9 the rest of this chapter is a judgement against the false prophets of Israel and Judah.  The Lord's anger is fierce against those who claimed to know His truth, but really were proclaiming their own lies.  They broke Jeremiah's heart and the Lord's heart as well.  "Because of the Lord and because of His holy words" , Jeremiah was reeling.  O that we might know God's Word and honor it so much!

The Lord called the prophets and priest adulterers.  They polluted the House of the Lord and the land as well.  They filled His house with wickedness.  They offended the Lord with their idolatry and led the people astray.  Their falsehoods were "horrible" things to the Lord.

 " And they strengthened the hands of the evildoers, so that no one turned back from his wickedness." 
What a statement.  The prophets and priests had the responsibility of preaching and teaching the Word of God.  They were ordained and responsible to lead the whole nation to know what was holy and what was profane according to the Word of the Lord. Because they failed to do what they were supposed to do, the whole nation was lost in their sin... therefore their judgement would be the harshest. They were:
False shepherds that led the sheep astray.
False healers who could not heal anyone.
False preachers, preaching peace when there was no peace coming.
False prophets who claimed to speak for the Lord, but had never even listened to His Word.

Our world is full of the same kinds of people.  Men and women who claim to be Christians, who rationalize sin in their sermons, who fail to speak Biblical truth because it doesn't agree with modern (wicked )"cultural" viewpoints... Churches and whole denominations are "strengthening the hands of evildoers" by not turning them back from their wickedness. God's judgement will be upon them.

"But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words to the people, and would have turned them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds.  Am I a God who is near... and not a God far off?  Can a man hide himself in hiding places, so I do not see him?.. Do I not fill the heavens and the earth? declares the Lord."

God's Word is the truth and we must be careful to speak it in Truth.   His Word is like a fire.. and like a "hammer which shatters rock".   The false speakers, "perverted the words of the living God, the Lord of hosts, our God."  They received punishment for their wickedness in Jeremiah's days and they will in our day also.

The Word of God is "the sword of the Spirit". (Ephesians 6:17) "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and the intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from his sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. "  ( Hebrews 4:12-13)

James wrote this warning, " Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall incur a stricter judgement."  Paul wrote about false teachers who "want[ed] to distort the gospel of Christ."  ( Gal. 1:6-7) Peter wrote about those who  were "untaught and unstable [who] distort.. the Scriptures, to their own destruction." 

There is such an immensely important truth that we must heed from God's Word here - God's powerful Word is able to turn people away from sin and to the Lord - if it is not distorted or perverted or in any way diluted. We, as followers of Christ, must never allow ourselves or any others to teach  anything but the Truth, The whole Word of God.. . even when it is not politically correct or culturally acceptable.

Father in heaven,  I worship You and praise Your Name.. Holy and Almighty God, the Lord of hosts.
Guard my tongue and my fingers.. as I type these words.. Take captive my thoughts to abide only in Your Truth.. in Christ Jesus my Lord.  Bring repentance to those who are called by Your name but who have diluted or perverted the truth of Your Word.  Revive us and renew us by Your Word and Your Spirit.  Forgive us for not taking heed of Your word and not guarding it carefully as we should. Give us wisdom to discern those who want to lead us astray with falsehoods.  Protect us and our children from all false teaching.
Thank You for this Truth that You have shown us today.  May all who read this, take heed.  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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