Friday, March 9, 2018

Jeremiah 30 Throughout this chapter the Lord reveals Himself as:

"God of all the families of Israel.." (  v1)
The One who " loved you with an everlasting love.." v3
The rebuilder of Israel.. v4
The gatherer of the scattered.. v8
The Father to Israel.. v9
The Shepherd to His flock.  v10
The Ransomer and Redeemer of Jacob.. v11
The bountiful provider.. v12
The One who turns mourning into joy and their comforter v13
The One who satisfies with His goodness.. v14
The Rewarder of the faithful v16
The Giver of a hope for the future.. v17
The Father of "My dear son..." whose heart "yearns for him." v20
The Father of the "faithless daughter"
The Creator of a "new thing" v22
The One who satisfies the weary ones and refreshes those who languish. v25
The Giver of a New Covenant v31
"The Lord of hosts is His name." v35

" I will put My law within them, and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God and they shall be My people." v33  The Lord's promise to Jeremiah was fulfilled by the coming of Jesus.. His life, death, and resurrection made the way for "all" to know God.. "from the least of them to the greatest of them... for I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more."  The Holy Spirit was sent to fill us inside and inscribe His truth deep in our inner beings.

"Behold, days are coming..."  the Lord continues to declare.. A new city will be built.. not made by human hands.  A city that will be holy to the Lord forevermore.  Like Abraham, we too look for the city to come.  May we be ready for that day!

Father in Heaven,  You are near and not far off.  You are our refuge and strength.  You are the Lover of our souls.  You are God and there is no one like You.  Glory to Your Name.  Fill us anew with Your Spirit of Truth and Grace for the day ahead.  May we abide in Your rest today.  In Jesus we pray. amen.

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