Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Jeremiah 46  Here Jeremiah is described as "the prophet concerning the nations".   The rest of his book is focused on what the Lord is going to do to the nations surrounding Israel.  This chapter is about Egypt.  Prior to this, Egypt had come up against Israel and had fought with Josiah where he died.  Now, the remnant from Judah had run to Egypt to escape from the rule of Babylon. However, this displeased the Lord and He would bring " a day of vengeance" against Egypt.

Included in this prophecy are these declarations :

"And the sword will devour and be satiated and drink its fill of their blood." v10b
"In vain have you multiplied remedies; there is no healing for you." v11
"Why have your mighty ones become prostrate? They do not stand because the Lord has thrust them down." v15
".. Memphis will become a desolation". v19
"The daughter of Egypt has been put to shame, given over to the power of the north." v24
Whatever hope the Jews had to find peace in Egypt.. was in vain.

Nebuchadnezzar would be given victory.  Egypt would come under Persian rule in 525 BC.  After that it would be dominated by one empire after another until it emerges from being a British protectorate in the early 1900's to become an independent nation once again.  " Afterwards, however it will be inhabited as in the days of old, declares the Lord." v26

"But as for you O Jacob My servant, do not fear, nor be dismayed, O Israel!"  The Lord declares -
"For, see, I am going to save you from afar, and your descendants from the land of their captivity, and Jacob shall return and be undisturbed and secure, with no once making him tremble.  O Jacob My servant, do not fear, declares the Lord, For I am with you." ( v27-28)

The day came when Israel returned from exile in Babylon. Like Egypt they would be dominated by various empires... until the day when they became an independent nation once again.  Yet, we have not seen them "undisturbed and secure" completely as God has promised.  That day will come when Jesus comes to rule on earth!

So, what can we learn from this?  God is in control of every nation and every people.  He has a plan and a purpose for each and every one.  He is King of the world and He will punish the wicked, correct the disobedient, and restore the repentant.  History is a witness to the truth of God's word. God's word directs the past, present, and future.  So thankful that we can trust Him with our every heartbeat!

Father in heaven,  Lord of all, we give You thanks and praise for You are our Mighty God and our gracious Savior.  Show us your ways and teach us Your paths.  Guide us in your truth!  You desire for us to listen to Your Word and to live accordingly.  May we abide in You and please You in all we do and say.. and even think.. today and every day.  We pray this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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