Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Jeremiah 51-52  We come to the end of Jeremiah's accounts, the last recorded here is the vengeance that would be carried out on Babylon because of her destruction of Zion.  Chapter 52 appears to be a summary written afterward, perhaps by someone else. All of Jerusalem was burned or taken away.
Bronze that was "beyond weight"...was carried away to Babylon.  4,600 Jews were taken into exile.

A final note tells us that Jehoiachin was shown favor by Eval-merodach, the king of Babylon at that time, and finished his days comfortably.

Jeremiah is thought to have written the book of Lamentations also. A dirge or a prayer.. or both.
It is a book used to mourn the destruction of Jerusalem.

I find the end of Jeremiah's accounts sad.  I also find relief to be done with it... many lessons to learn from the history of Israel and Judah.. but hard to bear.  Especially when we see similar destruction ahead for our contemporary world.  How long will our Lord wait until the time is up for America?

 I think that  the most important lesson from this book is - LISTEN to the Word of God and turn to Him.  We must continue to pray that more people will hear the Word of God and turn from their wickedness and listen!

Father, thank You for being so patient, for not wanting any to perish but for all to come to You and be saved from the wrath to come.  Open our ears to hear, our hearts to receive and our wills to conform to Your ways. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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