Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Song of Solomon

I find that I need to read this book as a whole - not a chapter at a time.  I imagine it as a song sang at the wedding of a man and woman, brought together by love and not by arrangement, either political or parental.

Their marriage is not without obstacles.  Their union is not perfect.  But, their vows to love one another and their declarations of love for one another seem genuine and deeply romantic.  To me the most precious verse is " I am my beloved's and my  beloved is mine... " (6:3)

Perhaps we can gain some wisdom from these verses that will deepen our own marriages:

Both husband and wife freely communicate their love for one another, appreciating the others attributes, and professing their desire for one another.
They long to be together and find it difficult to be separated.
They are united in love and also in their work and family.

Father, You have instituted marriage and have set the boundaries for it.  I am thankful to have met the one who loves me, the one You have given to me to love - for 29 years now.  I am grateful for every day that we are together, for each one is a gift from You.  Bless our marriage once again by Your  Mighty Hand.  Be glorified in our home always.  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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