Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Isaiah 17-20  As the Lord reveals the future of nations to Isaiah there is a wonderful truth that brings us hope -  God has a purpose in all that happens.  Nations that conquer and nations that fall, He is intimately involved in the history and future of every single one!    There is a day coming the Lord tells Isaiah, when ".... man will have regard for his Maker, and his eyes will look to the Holy One of Israel."  

In this passage there are specific actions that the Lord takes in the life of nations:

17:13 "The nations rumble on like the rumblings of waters, But He will rebuke them and they will flee away."

18:4 " For thus the Lord has told me, I will look from My dwelling place quietly like dazzling heat in the sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest."

18:5 " ... Then He will cut off the sprigs with pruning knives and remove and cut away the spreading branches." 

19:20 " ... and He will send them a Savior and a Champion and He will deliver them." 

19:21 " Thus the Lord will make Himself known to Egypt and the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day. "

19: 22  "and the Lord will strike Egypt, striking but healing, so they will return to the Lord, and He will respond to them and will heal them.

We wonder sometimes ( at least I do)  what God is up to in our world today.  So many nations that do not worship Him.  Some that talk only of war and trouble.  Yet, it is all according to His purposes..
Only a word and the Lord can rebuke the mightiest nation.   He is watching and nothing escapes His notice.  Some nations will wisely turn back to God and find salvation and healing.  Some will not and will be cut off.   It has been true throughout history and it will be once again, according to His word.

So, what do we need to learn, to think about, to believe, and to obey?
The rumblings of nations, even our own, are nothing to God, Who only has to speak a word of rebuke and it is over.   Therefore, we do not need to worry or fret about politicians, or missiles, or global warming.... He is watching and His purposes are being fulfilled.
Sometimes when the Lord strikes, it is for healing!
The Lord desires to make Himself known to every nation.  They belong to Him.  We need to continue the work of sending the Light, the blessed Gospel Light from shore to shore!

He will rebuke... the sinner.
He will look...upon our hearts.
He will cut off.... those who refuse to believe.
He will send a Savior.... that whosoever believes on Him will not perish!
He will deliver...all who call upon His name.
He will make Himself known....for the heavens declare His glory.
He will heal.... for His mercies are new every morning!

Father in Heaven,  our Holy God who never changes and is always Sovereign and Wise,  may Your Name be lifted up and praised in all the nations of the earth!  May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in every nation as it is in Heaven.   Make Yourself known to us, O Lord.. that we will know You and worship You.. that Your glory will resound over all the earth.  Father, thank You for sending us a Savior, a Champion! Thank You for delivering us from the dominion of darkness and bringing us into the Kingdom of Your beloved Son.  Let Your light shine through me.. through us today, Amen.

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