Thursday, August 10, 2017

Isaiah 3

Because of the sinfulness of the people of Israel, God brings judgement. His judgement will not be reserved just for Israel, but for every nation that does not worship and obey Him.  We need to take notice!

Verses 1 -3  The Lord's judgement affects everyone and everything:
All bread and all water;
Those mighty and those that are warriors;
Those who are judges and those who are prophets;
The diviners and the elders;
The captains and those in places of honor;
The counselor and the artisan;
And the enchanters.
No matter how high or low, how famous or infamous; no matter how rich or poor - when God pronounces judgement ALL will be affected. No one is exempt from God's sovereign rule.

The results of His judgement are spelled out for us:

v4  Their rulers will be like children - capricious; immature;
v5 People will oppress one another;  " the youth will storm against the elder,"
and "the inferior against the honorable".
v6-7  No one will want to take responsibility for leading; everything will fall apart.
v12  children and women take the place of leadership, but will lead all astray, confusion will replace wisdom.
V16-24  Because of the arrogance  and the sensuality of the women,  the Lord will bring severe judgement upon them ;
Their hair will fall out.
Their ornaments, jewelry, perfume, clothing - everything that they valued and loved will be taken away.
The young men and the mighty ones will be wiped out in war.
Nothing will be left.

Verses 8-15  tell why Judah was judged:
"Because their speech and their actions are against the Lord, to rebel against His glorious presence."
They "display their sin like Sodom; they do not even conceal it. " 
They "devoured the vineyard;"
They plundered the poor.
They crushed God's people.

God is righteous and just.  He is always fair.
"Say to the righteous the that it will go well with them, for thy will eat the fruit of their actions."
"Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him, for what he deserves will be done to him," 

I look at our own country and relate our current state of affairs to ancient Judah-
We have a government full of "capricious children";  all wanting their own way; all wanting to plunder the poor;  all failing to take responsibility for real leadership.
We have neighbors that oppress one another.
We have youth who attack the elderly.
We have lowlifes who attack honorable people.
We have arrogant and seductive  women who try to rule over everyone else.
We have many whose speech and actions are against the Lord.
We have many who "display their sin like Sodom."

God is judging America and His verdict will stand.  Those that belong to Him, the righteous, need not fear.  But those who are wicked will receive what their actions deserve.
May they fall on their knees before the Almighty One and repent!

Father in Heaven,  You are Infinite and Mighty, and You do not change!  Your Word does not fail.  What was true of Judah is true of America and we need to take heed.  Bring revival to Your people Lord, and let repentance come to our leaders.. to our neighbors.. to our families.  Save us!  We desperately need You. Thank You for providing the righteousness of Jesus Christ to us who believe.
Praise to You, O God, patient with us, not wanting any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.

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