Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Isaiah 15-16  This prophecy is about the judgement that would come upon Moab.  Moab is condemned because of its " excessive  pride".  Arrogant and boasting, Moab ridiculed and taunted Israel.  They worshiped Chemosh,  whose name means "subdue".   But, Moab was subdued by Assyria.. carried off, and its cities destroyed.

Isaiah expresses sorrow for the destruction of Moab.. 15:5 " My heart cries out for Moab;"  and again in 16:11 " Therefore my heart intones like a harp for Moab.. "  There were times when Moab and Israel were allies.  At the time of Ruth,  when David sent his parents there for safety, and when Solomon married a woman of Moab.  But there were also times that they fought against one another.
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, and Zephaniah all spoke of the judgement against Moab for its pride and arrogance.  And now,  Moab no longer exists.

Pride.. arrogance, boasting, and fury.   This sin, John writes, " is not from the Father, but is from the world" ( I John 2:16)  James wrote, " But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil." ( 4:16)  Paul rebuked the Corinthian church for its arrogance and boasting,  calling it leaven that needed to be cleaned out.. like the "leaven of wickedness".  ( I Corinthians 5:6-8)  He tells them to have the " unleavened bread of sincerity and truth".   Jesus said that " out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts ..." and pride is one of those.

This sinful pride is haughty, exaggerated, false, and foolish. It is not the kind of pride that we speak about when we take pride in our work or when we are proud of our accomplishments or our children etc.   It is the arrogance of one who aims to take the throne of God,  boasting of his own will and not submitting to One and only Holy God.

Which is why it is good to pray as Jesus did,  " .. not my will by Thine be done." 

Father in heaven, Holy One who sits on the throne and rules over all the earth as well as heaven above, Your Kingdom come and Your will be done!  As I hear Your voice speaking the truth today, I bow before You, surrendering all of my self, my will, and my pride.. to You.  Forgive me this debt, O Lord and let sincerity and truth fill my heart in Christ Jesus, my Lord. Show us today, the ways we are trying to usurp Your position as King in our individual lives, that we might repent and humble ourselves before You.  We ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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