Monday, August 21, 2017

Isaiah 14  These prophecies are about Babylon, Assyria, and Philistia, all nations that rose and fell according to the Lord's plans.  They were instruments of judgement by His hand, but they were held responsible for their actions against Israel and were judged because of them.

There are two thoughts that strike me in this passage.

Verses 12 -15 talk about the fall from heaven of the "star of the morning, son of the dawn".  Some believe that this speaks of Lucifer's fall after he desired to be greater than God.  In this context, it may also speak Babylon.  Either way, it is a potent reminder of what happens to any who exalt themselves... verse 11 " Your pomp and the music of your harps have been brought down to Sheol; Maggots are spread out as your bed beneath you, and worms are your covering."  

Isaiah never holds back on the consequences of rebellion against the Lord!

Verses 24-27 teach us that all things are under the sovereign rule of the Lord of hosts:  " The Lord of hosts has sworn saying, 'Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand.'"   He goes on to say "who can frustrate"  the Lord's plans.  " And as for His stretched out hand, who can turn it back?"  

In the day of final judgement, every single person will stand before the Lord.  By His mercy, those who have believed on the Name of Jesus, will be saved, to live eternally with Him.  But, those who have rebelled, those who have chosen to set their own selves above the Lord.. will be brought down to Sheol.  Everlasting death.

As always, this leads me to pray..

Father in Heaven,  You are Sovereign, the Ruler of everything.  You have declared the truth to us. No one can enter Your presence in unholiness, but only through the atonement bought by the blood of Jesus Christ , who makes us holy and blameless before You.  It is in Him that we can come to Your throne .  We praise You, Lord, for  You bid us to come and to bring our petitions to You.  We come with thanksgiving for Your mercy and grace, for Your lovingkindness towards us.  And, we come with our requests that others will also be saved.  May there be a revival in our land and across the world.  Will You bring about a great harvest of souls through Jesus Christ?  Save our children, our grandchildren,  our brothers and sisters. My heart breaks to see any of my loved ones left behind, sent away because they have not repented and come to Jesus.  Open their eyes and penetrate their hard hearts I pray, in His Holy Name. Amen.

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