Friday, August 11, 2017

Isaiah 4-5
 Chapter 4 gives a brief pause from the judgement - a ray of hope - for there will be a remnant who will dwell in Zion! " In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of Israel." 

The Lord will wash away " the filth of the daughters of Zion." 
And, He will purge " the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst". 
One day "the Lord will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and her her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy." 

In Chapter 5 Isaiah tells a parable about a vineyard.  The "beloved" prepared the vineyard on a hill.  He dug out the stones, He planted a choice vine, and He built a tower.  He expected a good crop.  It had everything it needed to be fruitful.  But, all it produced were worthless grapes.  So, He did what any reasonable man would do.  He removed the wall and allowed it to be grown over.  No more pruning, weeding, or watering.  This is Israel/Judah - they produced only worthless fruit and the Lord gave it over to destruction.   He looked for "justice" and "righteousness" - the good fruit.  But, all He found was "bloodshed" and "distress".

The Lord issues 5 "woes" :

Verses 8-10 - Woe to the greedy.  These men built great houses and seized all the land, leaving no room for anyone but themselves.  But, they would leave empty their great houses and their vineyards and fields would not yield a decent harvest.

Verses 11-17 Woe to the revelers.   They woke up to drink and kept drinking until late at night.  They partied and indulged themselves while "honorable men" were famished.  Their subjects were parched.
They did not pay attention the the Lord's deeds, works, or Word.  "Therefore My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge."  Judgement would render the rich and privileged lower than even the common man.  All of their precious wealth would be devoured by strangers.

Verses 18-19  Woe to the sinners.  They lied and they tried to order God around to do their bidding.

Verse 20  "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." 

Verse 21 "Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight. " 

Verses 22-23 Woe to those who are great at drinking and mixing drinks, taking bribes, and oppressing the righteous.

All these, Isaiah writes,  ".. have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the Word of the Holy One of Israel." Therefore - judgement comes:  The Lord "has stretched out His hand against them."  The Lord whistles and calls the force of destruction against His wayward people.   It comes swiftly, like a roaring lioness. It comes and attacks Israel.

We need to take heed and listen to the Word of the Lord, for what angered Him in Israel, will anger Him in America, or in our own lives.   God wants justice and righteousness in us, like He wanted in Judah.  Does He find it here?

We have a country full of greedy people who want bigger houses, more land, more business, bigger bank accounts. We have seen many examples of what happens when all that is taken away.  We have a saying, " The bigger they are the harder they fall."  Hmm.
We have a whole culture of people who want to do nothing but party all day and night; not caring about what the Lord's will is or what happens to others.  Again, the Lord warns that they will be brought down, abased.
We have a world where lies and sin are paraded through the streets.
Where evil is considered good and good evil.
Where darkness is honored, ( just look at the movies or tv, or video games.)
Where light is snuffed out..
where many think they are wise and clever;
where success is measured by how well a man can hold his liquor; where bribes are expected, and the right lose their rights.

The Lord's anger is righteous and He will stretch out His hand once again.. this time against the nations that reject and despise His Word.

Oh Lord, how great is Your patience, that You have not wiped out this nation yet.  How great is Your kindness that You are still bringing many to repentance in Christ Jesus.  We rejoice in you.  We pray continually for those we know, who need to seek You and find You, repent and trust in Jesus.  We give thanks that You are infinite in mercy and grace.  May we live as You have called us to be, branches that bear much fruit, good fruit, in Christ, the True Vine.  amen.

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