Monday, August 28, 2017

Isaiah 25-26  These two chapters are songs of praise.. that reflect the joy of those who will live in Christ's kingdom during the Millennium.  One clear message that we need to hear is that there is a time coming when those who have been oppressed.. the helpless, the poor, the humble.. will be the ones who will rejoice in the long awaited salvation.  The ruthless, the wicked, the oppressors .. will be wiped out.. and not even remembered! The Bible Knowledge Commentary calls this a "reversal of fortunes."  Jesus said that the first will be last and the last first.  This is truth to remember and live by.

Isaiah is given a glimpse into the future, when Jerusalem will be the dwelling place of God.
v6 - He will provide "a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain." 
v7 - He will "swallow up the covering which is over all peoples.. " ( the veil, shroud of death)
v8 "He will swallow up death for all time, and the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces."  
He will " remove the reproach of His people from all the earth." 

To enter this beautiful city, Isaiah teaches, we need to be righteous:

We must remain faithful.  v2
We must be "steadfast of mind". v3
We must trust in Him.  v4
We must follow "the way of [His] judgements" v8
We must wait for Him eagerly, v8
We must desire Him.. long for Him.. and seek Him v9

The unbelievers will experience God's judgements, yet they don't learn from them.
They are still unjust.
They still can't see God's majesty.
They don't see that He is Lord and that destruction will come to all those who refuse to acknowledge Him.

We are reminded once again that nothing is hidden from the Lord.. No secrets will be covered over. Every sin will be judged.  It is a sober reminder that needs to send us to our knees in repentance so that we may learn righteousness..  " But through Thee alone we confess Thy name." ( v13b)
Only by His grace are we saved as we come by faith to His mercy seat.. . day by day.

Father in heaven,  thank You for showing us grace.  Thank You for revealing Your truth to us and leading us to salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.   May we remain faithful, steadfast, obedient, and eager for Your Presence, awaiting the day that Jesus comes again.  Keep us walking in paths of righteousness of Your Name's sake.  Amen.

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