Monday, August 14, 2017

Isaiah 6   Do you long for a vision like Isaiah's?   Isaiah, Ezekiel, and John - saw Heaven's glory!  When I come to this chapter,  I feel a sense of awe.  It takes my breath.. everything else fades into the background.  " I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted.... "  Imagine writing those words after experiencing this !

Isaiah describes the Seraphim as having 6 wings.  Two covered their faces. Two covered their feet. Two were used to fly.   They spoke to each other, proclaiming " Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of His glory."  Their voices caused the temple to tremble.  It filled with smoke.

Immediately, Isaiah recognized his unholiness in the presence of the Holy One.  In response to his confession the Lord immediately provided the gift of forgiveness.

The Lord asks a question, " Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?"  He gives Isaiah and opportunity to serve.  He offers him a job.  He provides him with a choice.
Isaiah responds " Here am I. Send me."
Before he knows what the job will entail.  Before he knows the challenges that will come with it.  Isaiah is willing.
In the presence of the Holy One... Isaiah, forgiven of all his sins,  lays down his life for his Savior.

The job will not be easy.  40-50 years of speaking to those who would not listen.  To those whose hearts were hard, whose eyes were blinded, whose ears were deaf, and who would not heed the warnings that were given.  Isaiah faithfully preached the Word, knowing that devastation to the land that he loved was coming.  Yet, he also knew that a remnant would remain.. that some would be saved... so he kept on preaching!

We have the same opportunity as Isaiah.  Our King calls us to go.  We have a choice to say " Here I am, send me."   We know the challenges .  The hard hearted ones.  The ones that don't want to see or hear, or believe.  We know the devastation ahead.. to lives, to families, to nations.. that will not repent of their sins. Will we be faithful to keep on speaking the Word, with hope that some will be saved?

May the answer be " Yes!"

Father in heaven, Holy, Holy Holy are You.  May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on this earth as it is in heaven.  Lord, the King of creation,  You open eyes to see and ears to hear.  You can crack open the hardest hearts.  Bring understanding and repentance to our families, to our land.. Take us by the hand and lead us into Your love and into the steadfastness of Jesus, our Lord.  Revive us. Save us.  Heal us. Thank You that Your Grace is infinite and Your mercy is without end.   Amen.

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