Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Isaiah 2  What a powerful word that Isaiah "saw"!   There will come a day, he tells us, when the "mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief mountain and will be raised above the hills; and all the nations will stream to it.." 

On that day there will be several ways that people will react:

Some will be drawn to the mountain, to learn His ways so that, " we may walk in His paths." (v3)
Some will run in terror and try to hide in rocks and caves. (v10. 19, 21)

Those who come TO Him will find ;
Peace - " And never again will they learn war". v4
 and Light - v5

Those who run from Him will:
be humbled and abased
will know only terror.

Everything that men put their trust in, besides the Lord, will be destroyed:
silver and gold (wealth)
horses and chariots (power)
idols, works of their hands (religion)
The cedars of Lebanon and the oaks of Bashan ( position)
lofty mountains and high hills
high towers and fortified walls ( shelter)
"all the ships of Tarshish" ( commerce)
all the "beautiful craft"
"But the idols will completely vanish"  Everything that has taken the worship that only the Lord is worthy of!

The Lord, when seen in the "splendor of His majesty"  will evoke terror!
"And the Lord alone will be exalted in that day."  ( v11, 17)
He will arise and the earth will "tremble".

Therefore, Isaiah exhorts us, " Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; for why should he be esteemed?" v22

There is no man, no nation, no thing, no place... that will be able to stand before the Lord on that day, except those who are in Christ Jesus.  Those who have come to Him to be His disciple, to learn His ways and walk in His paths.  What a powerful reminder that we need to know and to build our lives on, to raise our children in this truth, to share with those who have not yet believed.

Father in heaven,  You alone are exalted and worthy of all worship!  We need to be ready for that day when the whole earth will tremble, when nothing on earth will matter except knowing You.  Oh, Lord, I pray for my family - that each one will hear Your voice and come to You for salvation today!
I ask this of You, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

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