Thursday, August 31, 2017

Isaiah 30-31  This message focuses on the desire of the people to go to Egypt for help.  Isaiah makes clear that God condemned that decision..  "Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help." 

They thought that the horses and chariots of Egypt would solve their problems .  But only God could help them.  The heart-breaking part is that God wanted to help them and they wouldn't believe!
30:18 " Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to the have compassion on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him. "

God says, " In repentance and rest you shall be saved. In quietness and trust is your strength. " 
But, Israel was not willing.  They made a plan.. " but not Mine".  They made an alliance with Egypt, "but not of My Spirit".  Their choices would bring shame.  There would be no profit and no help. But they did it anyway.

Jeremiah was forcefully taken to Egypt with the remnant left in Judah after it was conquered by Babylon.  He continually preached repentance to the Jews,  and they continually refused.  I can't find anything that tells what happened to Jeremiah after that.  I don't know if he was ever able to escape and return to Israel or if he died in Egypt.  One day I would like to hear the rest of his story!

What is the Shepherd saying to me today?

Rebellion... refusing to listen to the Word of the Lord, will result in destruction.  Every time we make our own plans, without consulting Him,  every time we want to go our own way without looking first to our Lord, we will end up in "Egypt"... in a place that "cannot profit" us.. a place that is vain and empty.   Our hope is in the Lord God, the Holy One.  It is in repentance and rest that we shall be saved. 
Like the psalmist and the writer of Hebrews both wrote " Today if you would hear His voice do not harden your hearts..."  For those who "err in their heart" and " do not know [His] ways"  will " not enter [His] rest."

We want to rest in You, Jesus!  You bring us into the throne room of Heaven, to receive mercy and grace.  You are our Great High Priest, perfect in every way.  You are the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the earth .  You are the Savior and it is in You that we have eternal life.  Keep us from sin.  Keep our hearts tender and willing to rest in You always. Amen.

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