Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Isaiah 28 -29  Ephraim/ Israel - will be destroyed,  punished because of its great sinfulness.  Even the priests and prophets are not anything but drunkards - reeling, staggering, confused, and tottering.  They had every chance to repent and turn to the Lord, to find rest in Him, but  they "would not listen".   Isaiah gives message after message of warning.. but they are deaf and blind... even as God had told Isaiah in the vision at the beginning of his ministry.

We need to hear the same message... it is just as relevant to our day as it was to Israel..

We also have many who "draw near with their words.. and their lip service.. but they remove their hearts far from [Him]."   Their worship is " tradition learned by rote".   It is a habit with no true relationship with God.  There is no wisdom or discernment.  There are deeds done in darkness with no acknowledgement that God sees or cares.

God says this, " You turn things around! Shall the potter be considered as equal with the clay, that what is made should say to its maker, 'He did not make me' or what is formed say to him who formed it, 'He has no understanding?'" (29:16)

We should be saying:
Psalm 95:6 " Come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. " 

Isn't this so true of our culture?  We want to tell the God who created us, our Maker, that He didn't make us... we came from nothing.. evolving from animals that came from nothing!  How utterly foolish! Those who should be speaking the truth... are reeling, staggering, confused, and tottering - priests, preachers, rabbi's .. whoever - deceivers who call truth a lie and a lie the truth.   God will bring judgement upon all who refuse to turn back to the truth.

So thankful that Isaiah's message also contains hope :
the deaf will hear;
the blind will see;
the afflicted will be glad;
the needy will rejoice;

There will a remnant of God's children who will be saved - who will sanctify His Name; stand in awe of Him; come to know the Truth and ... will bow down and worship the Lord, our Maker.

Father, thank You for the  "wondrously marvelous" ways that You work,  not only in judgement but in redemption!  We have like sheep gone astray!  We have each gone our own way.  But You laid the iniquity of us all on Him,  on Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.  Wondrously marvelous!  Praise and honor and glory are Yours!  Help us to keep walking in faith and remembering that we are the clay and You are the Potter.  Amen.

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