Thursday, August 31, 2017

Isaiah 30-31  This message focuses on the desire of the people to go to Egypt for help.  Isaiah makes clear that God condemned that decision..  "Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help." 

They thought that the horses and chariots of Egypt would solve their problems .  But only God could help them.  The heart-breaking part is that God wanted to help them and they wouldn't believe!
30:18 " Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to the have compassion on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him. "

God says, " In repentance and rest you shall be saved. In quietness and trust is your strength. " 
But, Israel was not willing.  They made a plan.. " but not Mine".  They made an alliance with Egypt, "but not of My Spirit".  Their choices would bring shame.  There would be no profit and no help. But they did it anyway.

Jeremiah was forcefully taken to Egypt with the remnant left in Judah after it was conquered by Babylon.  He continually preached repentance to the Jews,  and they continually refused.  I can't find anything that tells what happened to Jeremiah after that.  I don't know if he was ever able to escape and return to Israel or if he died in Egypt.  One day I would like to hear the rest of his story!

What is the Shepherd saying to me today?

Rebellion... refusing to listen to the Word of the Lord, will result in destruction.  Every time we make our own plans, without consulting Him,  every time we want to go our own way without looking first to our Lord, we will end up in "Egypt"... in a place that "cannot profit" us.. a place that is vain and empty.   Our hope is in the Lord God, the Holy One.  It is in repentance and rest that we shall be saved. 
Like the psalmist and the writer of Hebrews both wrote " Today if you would hear His voice do not harden your hearts..."  For those who "err in their heart" and " do not know [His] ways"  will " not enter [His] rest."

We want to rest in You, Jesus!  You bring us into the throne room of Heaven, to receive mercy and grace.  You are our Great High Priest, perfect in every way.  You are the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the earth .  You are the Savior and it is in You that we have eternal life.  Keep us from sin.  Keep our hearts tender and willing to rest in You always. Amen.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Isaiah 28 -29  Ephraim/ Israel - will be destroyed,  punished because of its great sinfulness.  Even the priests and prophets are not anything but drunkards - reeling, staggering, confused, and tottering.  They had every chance to repent and turn to the Lord, to find rest in Him, but  they "would not listen".   Isaiah gives message after message of warning.. but they are deaf and blind... even as God had told Isaiah in the vision at the beginning of his ministry.

We need to hear the same message... it is just as relevant to our day as it was to Israel..

We also have many who "draw near with their words.. and their lip service.. but they remove their hearts far from [Him]."   Their worship is " tradition learned by rote".   It is a habit with no true relationship with God.  There is no wisdom or discernment.  There are deeds done in darkness with no acknowledgement that God sees or cares.

God says this, " You turn things around! Shall the potter be considered as equal with the clay, that what is made should say to its maker, 'He did not make me' or what is formed say to him who formed it, 'He has no understanding?'" (29:16)

We should be saying:
Psalm 95:6 " Come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. " 

Isn't this so true of our culture?  We want to tell the God who created us, our Maker, that He didn't make us... we came from nothing.. evolving from animals that came from nothing!  How utterly foolish! Those who should be speaking the truth... are reeling, staggering, confused, and tottering - priests, preachers, rabbi's .. whoever - deceivers who call truth a lie and a lie the truth.   God will bring judgement upon all who refuse to turn back to the truth.

So thankful that Isaiah's message also contains hope :
the deaf will hear;
the blind will see;
the afflicted will be glad;
the needy will rejoice;

There will a remnant of God's children who will be saved - who will sanctify His Name; stand in awe of Him; come to know the Truth and ... will bow down and worship the Lord, our Maker.

Father, thank You for the  "wondrously marvelous" ways that You work,  not only in judgement but in redemption!  We have like sheep gone astray!  We have each gone our own way.  But You laid the iniquity of us all on Him,  on Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.  Wondrously marvelous!  Praise and honor and glory are Yours!  Help us to keep walking in faith and remembering that we are the clay and You are the Potter.  Amen.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Isaiah 27  Much of what Isaiah writes is difficult... is he speaking of the present or the future?  Is he speaking of Israel or of others?  He seems to move back and forth, speaking of good and forgiveness one moment and then of judgement and destruction the next.   I need to find a good study on this book...

Meanwhile, I read and pray, "Holy Spirit, teach me the Word and help me to hear Your voice."

For the moment, this is what draws my attention:

V1-2  The Lord vows to destroy "Leviathan" - the serpent; and "the dragon".   This reminds me of the book of Revelation, where John writes this, " And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the abyss..." 

There is coming a day when evil will no longer have any power left... Hallelujah!!  Even now, Christ is victorious and we have been set free from its dominion!

V 9  Isaiah speaks of a time when " iniquity will be forgiven... the full price of the pardoning of his sin.. " will be paid.   It will be a day when " Jacob will take root, Israel will blossom and sprout; and they will fill the whole earth with fruit."  It will be a day when the trumpet is blown and the people will gather in Jerusalem to worship the Lord.   Again...  Hallelujah !   We look forward with longing for that day.

V11  Once again those who fail to turn back to God are warned... " For they are not a people of discernment , therefore their Maker will not have compassion on them.  And their Creator will not be gracious to them." 

A time of harvest is coming.  Isaiah tells us that "one by one"  we will be gathered up..  Jesus spoke about this in a parable found in Matthew 13.  A man sowed good seed in his field, but an enemy came and sowed tares.  The man instructs his workers to , " Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, 'First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.'"  Jesus goes on to explain that He is the sower of the good seed and the devil is the one who sows the tares.   The harvest is the end of the age and when the reapers come, the tares, " those who commit lawlessness" and the "stumbling blocks"  will be "cast.. into the furnace of fire".  But, "the righteous will  shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. " 

Father in heaven, Holy One of Israel, You are Sovereign and Mighty and we praise You, revering Your Name.  You have revealed to us clearly what You will do at the end of this age.  Those who love You and serve You, made righteous by the blood of Christ.. forgiven and cleansed by grace through faith.. will forever live with You in Glory.  And those who refuse to repent and trust in the Lord, not discerning Your Word, the Truth... will be cast out.  We are so thankful to call You, our Father, and to put our trust in You. We love You and desire to live always for You and with You.   Yet, we have hearts that yearn to see all of our loved ones come to that same faith in Jesus Christ... to repent and believe.. to know You and give their lives to You.  So we ask You to open their eyes to see the Truth of the Gospel and to open their ears to hear Your voice, so that they might turn to You and be saved.  Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God.. hear our prayers and answer.. to the glory of Your Name.  Amen.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Isaiah 25-26  These two chapters are songs of praise.. that reflect the joy of those who will live in Christ's kingdom during the Millennium.  One clear message that we need to hear is that there is a time coming when those who have been oppressed.. the helpless, the poor, the humble.. will be the ones who will rejoice in the long awaited salvation.  The ruthless, the wicked, the oppressors .. will be wiped out.. and not even remembered! The Bible Knowledge Commentary calls this a "reversal of fortunes."  Jesus said that the first will be last and the last first.  This is truth to remember and live by.

Isaiah is given a glimpse into the future, when Jerusalem will be the dwelling place of God.
v6 - He will provide "a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain." 
v7 - He will "swallow up the covering which is over all peoples.. " ( the veil, shroud of death)
v8 "He will swallow up death for all time, and the Lord God will wipe tears away from all faces."  
He will " remove the reproach of His people from all the earth." 

To enter this beautiful city, Isaiah teaches, we need to be righteous:

We must remain faithful.  v2
We must be "steadfast of mind". v3
We must trust in Him.  v4
We must follow "the way of [His] judgements" v8
We must wait for Him eagerly, v8
We must desire Him.. long for Him.. and seek Him v9

The unbelievers will experience God's judgements, yet they don't learn from them.
They are still unjust.
They still can't see God's majesty.
They don't see that He is Lord and that destruction will come to all those who refuse to acknowledge Him.

We are reminded once again that nothing is hidden from the Lord.. No secrets will be covered over. Every sin will be judged.  It is a sober reminder that needs to send us to our knees in repentance so that we may learn righteousness..  " But through Thee alone we confess Thy name." ( v13b)
Only by His grace are we saved as we come by faith to His mercy seat.. . day by day.

Father in heaven,  thank You for showing us grace.  Thank You for revealing Your truth to us and leading us to salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.   May we remain faithful, steadfast, obedient, and eager for Your Presence, awaiting the day that Jesus comes again.  Keep us walking in paths of righteousness of Your Name's sake.  Amen.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Isaiah 23-24  Chapter 23 is a word about Tyre who will be judged for its pride, but after 70 years will be somewhat restored.

Chapter 24 is a prophecy about the final judgement of the earth.  It is quite sobering..

"Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface, and scatters its inhabitants." 
Every person will be humbled on that day.
Every city, every nation, will be held accountable for the pollution.. not of the air or water.. but the pollution of sinfulness and rebellion that has filled the earth.
There will be no place to hide or escape God's judgement when it comes.

" The earth is broken asunder, the earth is split through, the earth is shaken violently.  The earth reels to and fro like a drunkard, and it totters like a shack, for its transgression is heavy upon it, and it will fall, never to rise again. So it will happen in that day, That the Lord will punish the host of heaven, on high,  and the kings of the earth on earth." ( v19-21)

Our only hope is in Jesus.  He alone can save us from the destruction to come.  God help those who have chosen to forsake the Holy One.. for they truly have nothing.. and nowhere to turn.

Father in heaven, we thank You for salvation that is in Jesus Christ the Lord.  When the sun and moon will fail, when the earth is no longer.... we will still behold Your glory.  It is both hard to imagine what that day will be like, and yet becoming more clear to us that the time is coming near.  Our world is full of pollution.  Pride, selfishness, abuse, contempt, hatred... fill our cities and nations.  Send revival to Your people, Lord, that we might shine Your light once again and speak Your Word faithfully, so that more souls will turn to Jesus for the salvation that He has purchased by His sacrifice.  Thank You for all those who serve You around the world.  Bless them with the words to say, to make Your message clear, that the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Christ will be found in every place.  We give You all praise for You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Amen.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Isaiah 21-22  Isaiah speaks what God puts into his thoughts.. and I find it hard to understand.  These are historical events preceding the fall of Jerusalem into the hands of Babylon.  It happened just as Isaiah said and I find it still heartbreaking...

That God's chosen people, who could have had everything... lost it all through their unbelief and rebellion.  They would rather have the attitude..  "eat and drink.. for tomorrow we may die"  than trust in the One who made it all and holds all things in His hands.

We live in the same world and have the same attitude that Israel had... we want to do our will and not His.  Nations, families, and individuals... we all have to come to grips with this truth.. we are called to lay it all down, at the feet of King Jesus,  and take up only a cross.. and follow Him.  We can have everything.. in Him, if we only will let Him rule our lives instead of insisting on our own will to be done.  Why is it so hard for us to do this?

Father in Heaven,  You are completely faithful and completely true.  Everything we have is from You and You are all we need. Let us comprehend this better and believe it firmly.  Thank You for loving us so much. Hold us close to You we pray.  Amen.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Isaiah 17-20  As the Lord reveals the future of nations to Isaiah there is a wonderful truth that brings us hope -  God has a purpose in all that happens.  Nations that conquer and nations that fall, He is intimately involved in the history and future of every single one!    There is a day coming the Lord tells Isaiah, when ".... man will have regard for his Maker, and his eyes will look to the Holy One of Israel."  

In this passage there are specific actions that the Lord takes in the life of nations:

17:13 "The nations rumble on like the rumblings of waters, But He will rebuke them and they will flee away."

18:4 " For thus the Lord has told me, I will look from My dwelling place quietly like dazzling heat in the sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest."

18:5 " ... Then He will cut off the sprigs with pruning knives and remove and cut away the spreading branches." 

19:20 " ... and He will send them a Savior and a Champion and He will deliver them." 

19:21 " Thus the Lord will make Himself known to Egypt and the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day. "

19: 22  "and the Lord will strike Egypt, striking but healing, so they will return to the Lord, and He will respond to them and will heal them.

We wonder sometimes ( at least I do)  what God is up to in our world today.  So many nations that do not worship Him.  Some that talk only of war and trouble.  Yet, it is all according to His purposes..
Only a word and the Lord can rebuke the mightiest nation.   He is watching and nothing escapes His notice.  Some nations will wisely turn back to God and find salvation and healing.  Some will not and will be cut off.   It has been true throughout history and it will be once again, according to His word.

So, what do we need to learn, to think about, to believe, and to obey?
The rumblings of nations, even our own, are nothing to God, Who only has to speak a word of rebuke and it is over.   Therefore, we do not need to worry or fret about politicians, or missiles, or global warming.... He is watching and His purposes are being fulfilled.
Sometimes when the Lord strikes, it is for healing!
The Lord desires to make Himself known to every nation.  They belong to Him.  We need to continue the work of sending the Light, the blessed Gospel Light from shore to shore!

He will rebuke... the sinner.
He will look...upon our hearts.
He will cut off.... those who refuse to believe.
He will send a Savior.... that whosoever believes on Him will not perish!
He will deliver...all who call upon His name.
He will make Himself known....for the heavens declare His glory.
He will heal.... for His mercies are new every morning!

Father in Heaven,  our Holy God who never changes and is always Sovereign and Wise,  may Your Name be lifted up and praised in all the nations of the earth!  May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in every nation as it is in Heaven.   Make Yourself known to us, O Lord.. that we will know You and worship You.. that Your glory will resound over all the earth.  Father, thank You for sending us a Savior, a Champion! Thank You for delivering us from the dominion of darkness and bringing us into the Kingdom of Your beloved Son.  Let Your light shine through me.. through us today, Amen.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Isaiah 15-16  This prophecy is about the judgement that would come upon Moab.  Moab is condemned because of its " excessive  pride".  Arrogant and boasting, Moab ridiculed and taunted Israel.  They worshiped Chemosh,  whose name means "subdue".   But, Moab was subdued by Assyria.. carried off, and its cities destroyed.

Isaiah expresses sorrow for the destruction of Moab.. 15:5 " My heart cries out for Moab;"  and again in 16:11 " Therefore my heart intones like a harp for Moab.. "  There were times when Moab and Israel were allies.  At the time of Ruth,  when David sent his parents there for safety, and when Solomon married a woman of Moab.  But there were also times that they fought against one another.
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, and Zephaniah all spoke of the judgement against Moab for its pride and arrogance.  And now,  Moab no longer exists.

Pride.. arrogance, boasting, and fury.   This sin, John writes, " is not from the Father, but is from the world" ( I John 2:16)  James wrote, " But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil." ( 4:16)  Paul rebuked the Corinthian church for its arrogance and boasting,  calling it leaven that needed to be cleaned out.. like the "leaven of wickedness".  ( I Corinthians 5:6-8)  He tells them to have the " unleavened bread of sincerity and truth".   Jesus said that " out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts ..." and pride is one of those.

This sinful pride is haughty, exaggerated, false, and foolish. It is not the kind of pride that we speak about when we take pride in our work or when we are proud of our accomplishments or our children etc.   It is the arrogance of one who aims to take the throne of God,  boasting of his own will and not submitting to One and only Holy God.

Which is why it is good to pray as Jesus did,  " .. not my will by Thine be done." 

Father in heaven, Holy One who sits on the throne and rules over all the earth as well as heaven above, Your Kingdom come and Your will be done!  As I hear Your voice speaking the truth today, I bow before You, surrendering all of my self, my will, and my pride.. to You.  Forgive me this debt, O Lord and let sincerity and truth fill my heart in Christ Jesus, my Lord. Show us today, the ways we are trying to usurp Your position as King in our individual lives, that we might repent and humble ourselves before You.  We ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Isaiah 14  These prophecies are about Babylon, Assyria, and Philistia, all nations that rose and fell according to the Lord's plans.  They were instruments of judgement by His hand, but they were held responsible for their actions against Israel and were judged because of them.

There are two thoughts that strike me in this passage.

Verses 12 -15 talk about the fall from heaven of the "star of the morning, son of the dawn".  Some believe that this speaks of Lucifer's fall after he desired to be greater than God.  In this context, it may also speak Babylon.  Either way, it is a potent reminder of what happens to any who exalt themselves... verse 11 " Your pomp and the music of your harps have been brought down to Sheol; Maggots are spread out as your bed beneath you, and worms are your covering."  

Isaiah never holds back on the consequences of rebellion against the Lord!

Verses 24-27 teach us that all things are under the sovereign rule of the Lord of hosts:  " The Lord of hosts has sworn saying, 'Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand.'"   He goes on to say "who can frustrate"  the Lord's plans.  " And as for His stretched out hand, who can turn it back?"  

In the day of final judgement, every single person will stand before the Lord.  By His mercy, those who have believed on the Name of Jesus, will be saved, to live eternally with Him.  But, those who have rebelled, those who have chosen to set their own selves above the Lord.. will be brought down to Sheol.  Everlasting death.

As always, this leads me to pray..

Father in Heaven,  You are Sovereign, the Ruler of everything.  You have declared the truth to us. No one can enter Your presence in unholiness, but only through the atonement bought by the blood of Jesus Christ , who makes us holy and blameless before You.  It is in Him that we can come to Your throne .  We praise You, Lord, for  You bid us to come and to bring our petitions to You.  We come with thanksgiving for Your mercy and grace, for Your lovingkindness towards us.  And, we come with our requests that others will also be saved.  May there be a revival in our land and across the world.  Will You bring about a great harvest of souls through Jesus Christ?  Save our children, our grandchildren,  our brothers and sisters. My heart breaks to see any of my loved ones left behind, sent away because they have not repented and come to Jesus.  Open their eyes and penetrate their hard hearts I pray, in His Holy Name. Amen.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Isaiah 13 This prophecy about Babylon gives us a view of the world from God's perspective.  Babylon was a powerful nation that wiped out Judah.  Yet God calls them "My mighty warriors" and the "instruments of indignation".   The destruction that they brought upon the people of the Lord was from "the Almighty".    God chose Babylon to carry out His fury agains those that rebelled against Him.  These are Words that we need to heed:

Verse 9  " ... And He will exterminate its sinners.. " 
Verse 11 " Thus I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud, and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless."

This is God's view of sinfulness in a nation and in an individual.  He has let it be known to us that sin will be punished and that the sinner will experience His wrath.  This is the very reason that we should fear Him.  For as the Word says, we have all sinned.. and all deserve this.

But, thanks be to the Lord, Jesus Christ who took the cup of wrath and drank it Himself!  By His grace we are saved from the fury of the Almighty.  We are forgiven.  We are made clean by His blood shed for us.

There is a day coming when God's anger will once again be poured out on the earth.  All those who refuse to repent and come under the Lordship of Jesus, will face God's wrath.

Babylon was cruel and wicked... but they were used to exercise God's punishment on Israel.  Likewise the Medes were used to punish Babylon.  God was sovereign over it all.  We do not know what God will use to punish the sinfulness of our nation or our world.  But we do know that there is a day coming when it will happen.  Our only hope is to belong to the Kingdom of God through the blood of the Lamb who saved us and made us righteous and whole.

Father in Heaven,  You are the Almighty One, ruler of Heaven and Earth.  We bow before You in holy fear, aware of the awesomeness of Your power and the depth of Your wrath against sin.  Oh how we thank You for the power of the blood of Jesus that makes us as white as snow.  We place our trust in You.  Father, thank You that You have displayed Your mercy to us and have been patient.  Our hearts lift up our unsaved loved ones to You, asking that they might have opened eyes to see and ears to hear, that they might turn from their sins and be saved.  Call them by name, dear Lord.  Rescue them from the grip of sin and deliver them from the dominion of darkness.  We ask this in the Name of the Righteous One, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Isaiah 10-12   God's Hand is stretched out against Israel.  He takes His rod and His staff, verses 5-6 tell us, " Assyria, the rod of My anger and the staff in whose hands is My indignation."   The rod and staff that bring comfort to the ones who know the Lord as their Shepherd... used for the defense of the sheep.. proclaiming the authority of the Shepherd.. become instruments of judgement and punishment  for the rebellious.  His people have enacted "evil statutes".  They make "unjust decisions".  They "rob the poor of My people" . They oppress the widows and orphans.  They have made God angry with their sin and rebellion.  They have caused Him indignation- a fury and rage that will be poured out by the nation of Assyria.

Assyria will boast of its success in the destruction of Israel.  But, God will cut it down for its arrogance and haughtiness.  It is only an instrument in the Hand of the Almighty to accomplish His purposes.  " Is the axe to boast itself over the one who chops with it?"   Lest we think that any nation is stronger, better, or greater than any other... we need to know that it is only what God has made it to be.  In our day North Korea is strutting itself around like Assyria once did.  The USA is just as guilty.
But, like the nations in the time of Isaiah... judgement comes from the rod and staff of the Lord Most High.. against those who make Him angry with their evil ways.

Israel was punished for enacting evil statutes.  America will be judged for the laws that permit the killing of unborn children and the promotion of those things that are detestable to Him.
Israel was punished for making unjust decisions ; America's justice system is not any better.
Israel was punished for the oppression of God's people, especially widows and orphans.   America is becoming more and more hostile towards those who believe and follow Jesus Christ.

Yet, God is not through with Israel, not is He through with us.  He promises to preserve a remnant.  Those who "will truly rely on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel."  The remnant that returned from exile, that survived the rod and staff of His anger... produced " a shoot.. from the stem of Jesse."  

Jesus came, as promised.  The "Spirit of the Lord.. " rested on Him. He was filled with wisdom, understanding, counsel, and strength ; with knowledge  and the fear of the Lord.  He acted with righteousness and faithfulness.  King Jesus will rule forever and one day we will see the rest of the prophecy fulfilled.. "and the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the falling together; and a little boy will lead them. "  There is coming a time when, " They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." 

Chapter 12 is a song of thanksgiving the that we will gladly sing on that day! " I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord... Praise the Lord is song, for He has done excellent things;"  
Imagine that day!
His anger is completely turned away.
We will draw water "from the springs of salvation". 
And best of all, "We will cry aloud and shout for joy... for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel. " 

" One day the trumpet will sound for His coming, One day the skies with His glory will shine; wonderful day, my beloved ones bringing; Glorious Savior, this Jesus is mine!
Living, He loved me;
dying, He saved me;
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising He justified freely forever;
One day He's coming - oh, glorious day!"

Father, we long for that glorious day when we will see clearly the glory of Your majesty.  Meanwhile, open our eyes to see You, to know You, and to walk in Your Spirit, in Christ, we pray, amen.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Isaiah 9 :1-7  This prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus.  There was great darkness in Israel.. there is great darkness in the world today;  but "a great light" came!  " In the beginning,"  John wrote, "was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness..." ( John 1:1,4)   Jesus, Himself, said, " I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."  

The child was born.
The Son was given.
The Light has shone.
Jesus - Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace!

There is no end to His reign. .
He upholds justice and righteousness.
And we rejoice in Him !

King Jesus, come and fill this land with Your Light again!

Verses 8-21 give a message to Israel.  The Lord's Hand is stretched out ...because of their arrogance and pride; because they won't turn back to the Lord;  because they won't seek Him; because they are godless evildoers...
Verse 14 " So the Lord cuts off head and tail from Israel.."  The head - the highest position, the one with the most power.. and the tail - the lowest sort of fellow - a liar; a false prophet; a deceiver;
From the foremost to the last.. all who will not repent are judged.. " and the people are like fuel for the fire."
They turn on each other, "No man spares his brother."
They turn on themselves, "Each of them eats the flesh of his own arm."

Darkness. Devastation. Death.  That is what surrounds us when we do not have the Light.
No wonder that depression is rampant.  That drugs are used to escape the pain. That horror is considered "entertainment".  That killing another human being is becoming epidemic..
We have hidden the Light here in America.  We  hear daily of those who want to snuff it out totally..

Yet, There is no end to His reign, for King Jesus rules forever!
Come to the Light!  Come to Jesus!   This is my prayer for those who "walk in darkness" and "live in a dark land. "

Lord, You are the One who has said, "... The light will shine on them."  Shine, Jesus, Shine!  We need You now!  Come and shine Your light into our lives, into our families, and into our land.  Deliver us from the dominion of darkness and into the Kingdom of the Beloved One !  amen and amen!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Isaiah 7-8 Ahaz, king of Judah, is given an opportunity to believe... to trust the Lord in the face of the threatening  armies of Israel and Aram.  He was given the choice of any sign he wanted to assure him of God's willingness to help.  But, instead Ahaz refused. He ignored the prophecies of Isaiah.  He reached out to Assyria and to Assyria's gods.  He desecrated the temple and brought about the destruction of his own country. ( I Kings 16)

" If you will not believe, you surely shall not last." (  Isaiah 7:9b)

Tozer writes about man's free will, the ability to choose... in his book The Knowledge of the Holy.   God, in His sovereignty, "decreed that man should be free to exercise moral choice, and man from the beginning has fulfilled that decree by making his choice between good and evil."   Tozer also goes on to remind us that God also has decreed that along with those choices are the consequences : " God has decreed that all who willingly commit themselves to His Son Jesus Christ in the obedience of faith shall receive life and become sons of God.  He has also decreed that all who love darkness and continue in rebellion against the high authority of heaven shall remain in a state of spiritual alienation and suffer eternal death at last. " 

Tozer conclues, " We must all choose whether we will obey the gospel or turn away in unbelief and reject its authority.  Our choice is our own, but the consequences of the choice have already been determined by the sovereign will of God, and from this there is no appeal. " 

Ahaz had every opportunity to make the right choice, but he refused.  He brought judgement upon himself and his country.

Father in Heaven,  Sovereign over Heaven and earth,  You have offered us life, eternal life through Jesus Christ, Your Son.  You have given us a choice and the ability to make a choice.  I am so thankful that You have given us eyes to see and ears to hear, hearts to receive Your Light, so that we might choose to willingly follow Jesus, laying our very lives down at Your feet.  Lord, nothing is impossible for You, and so I pray for those who have rebelled, those who have made the wrong choice... those whom I love dearly.. and I ask that You would open their eyes and ears, and that You would give them new hearts that will believe and follow Christ.   Oh Lord, may they choose right!
I ask this in the precious and powerful Name of Jesus.  Amen.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Isaiah 6   Do you long for a vision like Isaiah's?   Isaiah, Ezekiel, and John - saw Heaven's glory!  When I come to this chapter,  I feel a sense of awe.  It takes my breath.. everything else fades into the background.  " I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted.... "  Imagine writing those words after experiencing this !

Isaiah describes the Seraphim as having 6 wings.  Two covered their faces. Two covered their feet. Two were used to fly.   They spoke to each other, proclaiming " Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of His glory."  Their voices caused the temple to tremble.  It filled with smoke.

Immediately, Isaiah recognized his unholiness in the presence of the Holy One.  In response to his confession the Lord immediately provided the gift of forgiveness.

The Lord asks a question, " Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?"  He gives Isaiah and opportunity to serve.  He offers him a job.  He provides him with a choice.
Isaiah responds " Here am I. Send me."
Before he knows what the job will entail.  Before he knows the challenges that will come with it.  Isaiah is willing.
In the presence of the Holy One... Isaiah, forgiven of all his sins,  lays down his life for his Savior.

The job will not be easy.  40-50 years of speaking to those who would not listen.  To those whose hearts were hard, whose eyes were blinded, whose ears were deaf, and who would not heed the warnings that were given.  Isaiah faithfully preached the Word, knowing that devastation to the land that he loved was coming.  Yet, he also knew that a remnant would remain.. that some would be saved... so he kept on preaching!

We have the same opportunity as Isaiah.  Our King calls us to go.  We have a choice to say " Here I am, send me."   We know the challenges .  The hard hearted ones.  The ones that don't want to see or hear, or believe.  We know the devastation ahead.. to lives, to families, to nations.. that will not repent of their sins. Will we be faithful to keep on speaking the Word, with hope that some will be saved?

May the answer be " Yes!"

Father in heaven, Holy, Holy Holy are You.  May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on this earth as it is in heaven.  Lord, the King of creation,  You open eyes to see and ears to hear.  You can crack open the hardest hearts.  Bring understanding and repentance to our families, to our land.. Take us by the hand and lead us into Your love and into the steadfastness of Jesus, our Lord.  Revive us. Save us.  Heal us. Thank You that Your Grace is infinite and Your mercy is without end.   Amen.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Isaiah 4-5
 Chapter 4 gives a brief pause from the judgement - a ray of hope - for there will be a remnant who will dwell in Zion! " In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of Israel." 

The Lord will wash away " the filth of the daughters of Zion." 
And, He will purge " the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst". 
One day "the Lord will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and her her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy." 

In Chapter 5 Isaiah tells a parable about a vineyard.  The "beloved" prepared the vineyard on a hill.  He dug out the stones, He planted a choice vine, and He built a tower.  He expected a good crop.  It had everything it needed to be fruitful.  But, all it produced were worthless grapes.  So, He did what any reasonable man would do.  He removed the wall and allowed it to be grown over.  No more pruning, weeding, or watering.  This is Israel/Judah - they produced only worthless fruit and the Lord gave it over to destruction.   He looked for "justice" and "righteousness" - the good fruit.  But, all He found was "bloodshed" and "distress".

The Lord issues 5 "woes" :

Verses 8-10 - Woe to the greedy.  These men built great houses and seized all the land, leaving no room for anyone but themselves.  But, they would leave empty their great houses and their vineyards and fields would not yield a decent harvest.

Verses 11-17 Woe to the revelers.   They woke up to drink and kept drinking until late at night.  They partied and indulged themselves while "honorable men" were famished.  Their subjects were parched.
They did not pay attention the the Lord's deeds, works, or Word.  "Therefore My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge."  Judgement would render the rich and privileged lower than even the common man.  All of their precious wealth would be devoured by strangers.

Verses 18-19  Woe to the sinners.  They lied and they tried to order God around to do their bidding.

Verse 20  "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." 

Verse 21 "Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight. " 

Verses 22-23 Woe to those who are great at drinking and mixing drinks, taking bribes, and oppressing the righteous.

All these, Isaiah writes,  ".. have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the Word of the Holy One of Israel." Therefore - judgement comes:  The Lord "has stretched out His hand against them."  The Lord whistles and calls the force of destruction against His wayward people.   It comes swiftly, like a roaring lioness. It comes and attacks Israel.

We need to take heed and listen to the Word of the Lord, for what angered Him in Israel, will anger Him in America, or in our own lives.   God wants justice and righteousness in us, like He wanted in Judah.  Does He find it here?

We have a country full of greedy people who want bigger houses, more land, more business, bigger bank accounts. We have seen many examples of what happens when all that is taken away.  We have a saying, " The bigger they are the harder they fall."  Hmm.
We have a whole culture of people who want to do nothing but party all day and night; not caring about what the Lord's will is or what happens to others.  Again, the Lord warns that they will be brought down, abased.
We have a world where lies and sin are paraded through the streets.
Where evil is considered good and good evil.
Where darkness is honored, ( just look at the movies or tv, or video games.)
Where light is snuffed out..
where many think they are wise and clever;
where success is measured by how well a man can hold his liquor; where bribes are expected, and the right lose their rights.

The Lord's anger is righteous and He will stretch out His hand once again.. this time against the nations that reject and despise His Word.

Oh Lord, how great is Your patience, that You have not wiped out this nation yet.  How great is Your kindness that You are still bringing many to repentance in Christ Jesus.  We rejoice in you.  We pray continually for those we know, who need to seek You and find You, repent and trust in Jesus.  We give thanks that You are infinite in mercy and grace.  May we live as You have called us to be, branches that bear much fruit, good fruit, in Christ, the True Vine.  amen.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Isaiah 3

Because of the sinfulness of the people of Israel, God brings judgement. His judgement will not be reserved just for Israel, but for every nation that does not worship and obey Him.  We need to take notice!

Verses 1 -3  The Lord's judgement affects everyone and everything:
All bread and all water;
Those mighty and those that are warriors;
Those who are judges and those who are prophets;
The diviners and the elders;
The captains and those in places of honor;
The counselor and the artisan;
And the enchanters.
No matter how high or low, how famous or infamous; no matter how rich or poor - when God pronounces judgement ALL will be affected. No one is exempt from God's sovereign rule.

The results of His judgement are spelled out for us:

v4  Their rulers will be like children - capricious; immature;
v5 People will oppress one another;  " the youth will storm against the elder,"
and "the inferior against the honorable".
v6-7  No one will want to take responsibility for leading; everything will fall apart.
v12  children and women take the place of leadership, but will lead all astray, confusion will replace wisdom.
V16-24  Because of the arrogance  and the sensuality of the women,  the Lord will bring severe judgement upon them ;
Their hair will fall out.
Their ornaments, jewelry, perfume, clothing - everything that they valued and loved will be taken away.
The young men and the mighty ones will be wiped out in war.
Nothing will be left.

Verses 8-15  tell why Judah was judged:
"Because their speech and their actions are against the Lord, to rebel against His glorious presence."
They "display their sin like Sodom; they do not even conceal it. " 
They "devoured the vineyard;"
They plundered the poor.
They crushed God's people.

God is righteous and just.  He is always fair.
"Say to the righteous the that it will go well with them, for thy will eat the fruit of their actions."
"Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him, for what he deserves will be done to him," 

I look at our own country and relate our current state of affairs to ancient Judah-
We have a government full of "capricious children";  all wanting their own way; all wanting to plunder the poor;  all failing to take responsibility for real leadership.
We have neighbors that oppress one another.
We have youth who attack the elderly.
We have lowlifes who attack honorable people.
We have arrogant and seductive  women who try to rule over everyone else.
We have many whose speech and actions are against the Lord.
We have many who "display their sin like Sodom."

God is judging America and His verdict will stand.  Those that belong to Him, the righteous, need not fear.  But those who are wicked will receive what their actions deserve.
May they fall on their knees before the Almighty One and repent!

Father in Heaven,  You are Infinite and Mighty, and You do not change!  Your Word does not fail.  What was true of Judah is true of America and we need to take heed.  Bring revival to Your people Lord, and let repentance come to our leaders.. to our neighbors.. to our families.  Save us!  We desperately need You. Thank You for providing the righteousness of Jesus Christ to us who believe.
Praise to You, O God, patient with us, not wanting any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Isaiah 2  What a powerful word that Isaiah "saw"!   There will come a day, he tells us, when the "mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief mountain and will be raised above the hills; and all the nations will stream to it.." 

On that day there will be several ways that people will react:

Some will be drawn to the mountain, to learn His ways so that, " we may walk in His paths." (v3)
Some will run in terror and try to hide in rocks and caves. (v10. 19, 21)

Those who come TO Him will find ;
Peace - " And never again will they learn war". v4
 and Light - v5

Those who run from Him will:
be humbled and abased
will know only terror.

Everything that men put their trust in, besides the Lord, will be destroyed:
silver and gold (wealth)
horses and chariots (power)
idols, works of their hands (religion)
The cedars of Lebanon and the oaks of Bashan ( position)
lofty mountains and high hills
high towers and fortified walls ( shelter)
"all the ships of Tarshish" ( commerce)
all the "beautiful craft"
"But the idols will completely vanish"  Everything that has taken the worship that only the Lord is worthy of!

The Lord, when seen in the "splendor of His majesty"  will evoke terror!
"And the Lord alone will be exalted in that day."  ( v11, 17)
He will arise and the earth will "tremble".

Therefore, Isaiah exhorts us, " Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; for why should he be esteemed?" v22

There is no man, no nation, no thing, no place... that will be able to stand before the Lord on that day, except those who are in Christ Jesus.  Those who have come to Him to be His disciple, to learn His ways and walk in His paths.  What a powerful reminder that we need to know and to build our lives on, to raise our children in this truth, to share with those who have not yet believed.

Father in heaven,  You alone are exalted and worthy of all worship!  We need to be ready for that day when the whole earth will tremble, when nothing on earth will matter except knowing You.  Oh, Lord, I pray for my family - that each one will hear Your voice and come to You for salvation today!
I ask this of You, in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Isaiah 1  Four times in the first chapter Isaiah tells us that the Lord is speaking. ( v 2, 10, 20, 24)

He clearly establishes the problem :
Israel, His Son, has revolted against Him.
They do not know Him.
They don't understand the depth of their trouble.
They are weighed down with sin.
They have abandoned Him, despised Him, turned away from Him.
They are completely sick - from head to toe.
They have lost everything - land, cities, fields... everything!
A clear picture of "all who have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".

Their offerings and sacrifices are not only meaningless, but sickening to the Lord.  They are hypocritical, worthless, and burdensome.
What is truly needed is repentance:  " Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your deeds from my sight. Cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless; defend the orphan, plead for the widow." 
They need redemption.
They need their scarlet, crimson sins made white.
They need what only God can provide as they come to Him, reasoning - deciding to agree with Him - consenting - willing to obey - hear, perceive , pay attention, and carefully obey Him.

Zion, the beautiful city of God had once been faithful, but was now corrupt.
She once was full of justice and righteousness, but was now full of murderers.
She once was like silver, but now like dross.
Her rulers are rebels.
They associate with thieves.
They take bribes.
They chase rewards.
They ignore the orphans and widows pleas.

Therefore God turned away from them and put them through a refiners fire.
But, there will be a day, the Lord promises, when Zion will be redeemed, restored, made righteous and faithful again... for those who repent.
Yet, the unrepentant will " come to an end".

What do we hear the Lord saying to us ?
Outward religious behavior is sickening to the Lord.  Only in relationship with Him, consenting to do His will - to remove evil, do good, seek justice, reprove those in rebellion, defend the needy - only when we have been washed by the blood of Jesus, the only way our crimson sins can be made white as snow - can we enter Zion, the City of God!

Paul repeats this to his readers in Romans 12:1-2 " I urge you  brethren by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

Father, once again I thank You for redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ, who has made a way for us to come to You.   I lay down myself, my body, as a willing servant, redeemed and set free from sin, to dwell in the shelter of Your Presence forever.  Bless Your Name forever!  Keep my eyes on Your Majesty and Glory that I might know You more and have understanding and wisdom to walk in Your ways.  I ask this in the Name of my Redeemer and Lord, amen.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Song of Solomon

I find that I need to read this book as a whole - not a chapter at a time.  I imagine it as a song sang at the wedding of a man and woman, brought together by love and not by arrangement, either political or parental.

Their marriage is not without obstacles.  Their union is not perfect.  But, their vows to love one another and their declarations of love for one another seem genuine and deeply romantic.  To me the most precious verse is " I am my beloved's and my  beloved is mine... " (6:3)

Perhaps we can gain some wisdom from these verses that will deepen our own marriages:

Both husband and wife freely communicate their love for one another, appreciating the others attributes, and professing their desire for one another.
They long to be together and find it difficult to be separated.
They are united in love and also in their work and family.

Father, You have instituted marriage and have set the boundaries for it.  I am thankful to have met the one who loves me, the one You have given to me to love - for 29 years now.  I am grateful for every day that we are together, for each one is a gift from You.  Bless our marriage once again by Your  Mighty Hand.  Be glorified in our home always.  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Mark 14-16  Mark compresses the next events into an abbreviated account of the Passover supper, the trial, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus.   He hits all the main points:
The betrayal of Judas
The denial of Peter
The prayer in Gethsemane
The trial before Pilate
The burial by Joseph
And the ascension into Heaven.

He also adds a few things that the other gospels do not:
The "certain young man"  who wore only a linen sheet and who ran away naked.
The name of Simon of Cyrene's children, Alexander and Rufus.
The presence of Mary, the mother of Joses, along with Mary, the mother of James and Salome at the crucifixion and at the tomb.
And the granting of "signs" ( v17-18) to "accompany those who have believed" -

Verse 14 of chapter 16 stands out to me:  " And afterward He appears to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at the table; and He reproached them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who had seen Him after He was risen." 

Perhaps they thought that if Jesus was truly alive, that He would have come to them first.  Whatever the reason, Jesus knew their need to see Him for themselves.  Imagine what that would have been like!  To see Jesus in the flesh... in His resurrected and glorified body!  One day, we will have that privilege .. and oh what a day that will be.

Father in heaven,  let Your kingdom come!  We look with longing to see Christ return and reign forevermore!  Yet, we thank You for Your patience, knowing that You do not want to see any perish, but all to come into Your kingdom.  I pray for my loved ones who have unbelieving and hardened hearts and ask You to call them to Your salvation by faith in Jesus Christ!  Nothing is impossible for You, Almighty God.  Open eyes and hearts I pray, in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, amen.