Monday, May 29, 2017

Matthew 19 : 1-12  When the Pharisees question Jesus about the law regarding divorce, Jesus begins with the foundational truth, " Have you not read, that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ' For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?'"   The Pharisees could have no argument over this, for they knew the Word.  Their argument would come from the conclusion that Jesus draws, "Consequently they are no longer two, but one flesh.  What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate. "

Putting aside the debate about divorce for the moment... just think about God's view of marriage here... "..two.. become one".   God, Himself "has joined together "  a man and a woman.  It is a divine act of co-joining, yoking, uniting 2 people together in a unique way that is altogether different than any other relationship.  Brothers and sisters, parents and children.. even these precious relationships are not like a marriage which makes two people - one.

And yet the people, God's people, wanted to be able to separate themselves from their wives for any reason at all. They wanted to take them... what was really part of themselves by God's design... and throw them out of their homes and their lives. They wanted to rip themselves in two on a whim...

Yes, Moses had made provision for divorce, "because of.. hardness of heart" .  But, this was meant to be a protection for the divorced woman. Otherwise she was without any hope, unable to remarry or without means of support.

Even the disciples were surprised by Jesus' statements. They wondered if it was worth getting married at all.  The alternative is not easy to handle either, Jesus tells them. To become a eunuch..whether castrated or simply unmarried for the rest of your life... is not for everyone.  In fact, Jesus says, ".. but only those to whom it has been given."

Verse 9 has been used as the excepting cause - ".. whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality and marries another woman commits adultery. "   When the unity of the two, who have become one flesh,  becomes broken due to the immorality of either partner, then it has already separated that which God had joined. They are no longer yoked together.  They have joined themselves to another.

This same word " immorality"  is also used for idolatry.  Those who belong to God, joined together with Him, yoked with Him.. and then separate themselves to worship another god... are committing the same sin as the one who commits adultery, but on an even more devastating level.

Father in heaven, Your ways are perfect.  Your plans for us are perfect.  But, we are far from being perfect.. we are weak and flawed beings. We lack the ability to see as You see.  We hurt ourselves and our loved ones... missing the mark that You have offered to us in Your Word - that which is wonderful and blessed and holy.  O bless You, Lord, for You have pardoned our iniquities and healed our diseases!  You have given us mercy and forgiven our debts.  You have redeemed us and set us free.  Amen!

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