Monday, May 8, 2017

Matthew 10
The "hard road" of being a disciple of Jesus...

They are like "sheep in the midst of wolves", Jesus tells His disciples.  This is not an easy road.  It is not a safe road.  The journey of a disciple will cost us.. in fact it will cost us our lives.   Jesus gives His disciples some wise counsel that we would also benefit from:

v16  "Be shrewd" - be thoughtful, discreet, cautious; yet be "innocent" - harmless, simple;
v17-18 "Beware of men..." take caution and pay close attention to the evil intentions of others,  yet know that even their bad intentions will end up being used for good - as a "testimony to them and to the Gentiles." 
v19-20  Don't become "anxious".  Trust the Lord!  "For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you."  What a wonderful promise!
v21-23  Don't count on everyone to love you - they won't.  Family members won't always support you. Some will even hate you.  Many face persecution. The most important thing to do is - endure to the end!

v23-27 Just as Jesus, our Teacher and Master, lived, suffered, and overcame - we should expect to be treated the same.  " .. it is enough for the disciple that he become as his teacher.."  Here is our aim.
Jesus did not fear what man could do to Him.  We do not need to fear either.
Jesus trusted that light would overcome darkness;  we can believe that too.

There are great benefits to being one of His disciples,  Jesus continues:
You are of great value to the Father.  He knows  the number of "the very hairs of your head".
It is better to fear God than man. God has us in His hands.
It is better to confess Jesus, for then He will acknowledge you before the Father.
When we receive Jesus - to accept what has been offered - is accepting the Father also.

One of the most important statements that we must grasp is this, " And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life shall lose it, and he who has lost his life for my sake shall find it."  ( v38-39)

To follow Jesus,  to walk with Him and become like Him, will require a sacrifice - a willingness to lay aside all else for His sake.  We lay aside our lives, our families, our security, our fears, our anxiety, and anything else that He requires.

Father, only by Your grace can we come in this way.  We present our bodies as living sacrifices and we choose to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we can discern Your good and perfect and acceptable will.  We want to be found worthy of Christ.  We want to be made in His likeness.  We want to completely trust You and lay down our lives for You.  Help us to stop being afraid of doing that and to fear only You who holds us, body and soul, in Your hands.   It is in the Name of Jesus that we pray. Amen.

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