Thursday, May 18, 2017

Matthew 15 :1-20   The Pharisees were more concerned with their traditions than they were about the Truth .  They were teaching their own "doctrines and precepts" instead of the Word.  "Hear and understand", Jesus says to the crowd and to us.  It is not about what we eat and how we eat that is important .. it is what goes on in our hearts that concerns God.  If our hearts are far from Him, if it is defiled with thoughts that are evil, with murder and adultery, with theft and slander... it won't matter how religious we act, how much money we give, or how pious we appear.. for God looks at the heart.

Jesus saw the heart of the Canaanite woman.  She came in faith and asked Jesus to heal her daughter.
Jesus saw the hearts of the multitude who brought broken and needy loved ones to Him on the mountain. With great compassion He healed them all.
Jesus saw the need of the multitude who remained with Him three days with no food left.  He took the 7 loaves and broke it, feeding the 4000 men and their families.

Jesus sees my heart.  He knows my need.  He heals my hurts.
He ministers to a single woman and to a great multitude.
He ministers to the "lost sheep of Israel" and to the Gentile woman.

Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever!  His compassion and kindness are the same for us as for the multitudes.  Praise His holy Name!

Thank You Father in heaven, for Your great faithfulness and love. Work in our hearts today to root out all that might defile us. Cleanse, pardon, and fill us once again with Your Holy Spirit.

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