Monday, May 22, 2017

Matthew 17  I remember once hearing a Bible teacher talk about the transfiguration of Jesus, saying that it fulfilled what Jesus had said in Matt. 16:28, that " there are some of those who are standing here who shall not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."   I think of that every time I read this passage, although I'm not sure that this is true.   However, Peter, James, and John experienced something mysterious and majestic up on the mountain with Jesus that day:

Jesus was changed before their eyes - revealing Himself in glorious Light.
Elijah and Moses appeared - physically present, amazingly real!
Then, they heard the voice of the Father speaking to them, " This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him." 

The disciple 's next question reveals what they were thinking, " Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?"   They were so confused!  In their minds, since they had seen Elijah, then Jesus should be taking the throne.. now!  But, Jesus was telling them that He was going to suffer first, and they couldn't even tell what they had seen until after He was raised from the dead.

God's plans are so much greater and wonderful than anything we can comprehend.  The men that walked alongside of Jesus and knew Him best, couldn't begin to understand what was about to happen.  Even with the hindsight that we have from the recorded Word of God, we do no better at grasping the infinite mind of the Holy One.   Once again, I am reminded of  Tozer's words about how God reveals Himself to us, not to our ability to reason, but to our exercise of faith.

As Jesus and the three disciples come down the mountain they are confronted by a man with a demon-possessed son, and the inability of the other 9 disciples to help him.  Unbelief and puny faith cannot do the impossible, Jesus tells them.  True faith, even if it is as small as a mustard seed - can move mountains though!

Again, Jesus tries to prepare His disciples for the future, for His death and resurrection. This time the response is grief.

Father in heaven,  let our faith be true and growing.  Open our eyes to know Your great power, Your great love, and Your infinite wisdom.  All things are in Your hands.  You know us, intimately and completely.  There is nothing impossible for You. Thanksgiving and praise belong to You !  Lead us in Your paths and let Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

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