Friday, May 12, 2017

Matthew 12: 38-50

They wanted a sign.  They had seen Him heal the sick and cast out demons from many. He gave sight to the blind and restored a withered hand right in front of them... but they wanted a sign.   Jesus had told John's disciples to tell John what they saw and heard.  The same things that they witnessed, were witnessed first hand by the Pharisees and scribes... but they wanted a sign.

No wonder Jesus called them "an evil and adulterous generation".  They wanted God, the Mighty Creator to prove Himself to them... His creation.  They refused to acknowledge the good that Jesus did and wanted to control Him., to have authority over Him.   Jesus gives them a mysterious word that they would not have understood until after His death and resurrection. " sign shall be given to [it] but the sign of Jonah the prophet."   Three days and nights "in the heart of the earth" -  a sign above any other ... and even then they would not believe.

Again Jesus makes some strong statements about Himself;
V41 ".. behold something greater than Jonah is here." 
V42 ".. behold something greater than Solomon is here."
Those who had heard Jonah had repented.
Those who had heard Solomon had learned from his wisdom.

But those who had been given the opportunity to stand in the Presence of God, in the Person of Jesus Christ... did not repent and did not learn.  Again and again Jesus had said, " He who has ears, let him hear." (Matt. 13:9)  Their hard hearts brought about closed ears. It is only by His grace do we "hear" and by hearing do we have faith.

Father in heaven and Christ our Lord,  open our ears to hear what You are speaking to our hearts today. You are greater than we can think or imagine!  You are holy and perfect and greatly to be praised.  All things are in Your hands.  We are in Your hands.  Nothing we have and nothing we are comes from our own will.. but from You, our Creator and King. May Your will be done and Your Kingdom come.  May Your Name be praised in all the earth! Shake away our complacency, do away with our ignorance and give us Your Truth.. filling us with Your Spirit.  Oh may we see You more clearly and worship You more devotedly.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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