Thursday, June 1, 2017

Matthew 19: 13-30

In Matthew 11:25 Jesus thanked the Father for revealing " these things" to babes.  He talked about how no one knows the Father but those to "whom the Son wills to reveal Him."   These thoughts have stayed with me as I read and meditate on the Word and have found myself seeking Him to reveal Himself and His truths to me in fresh new ways.  God has been doing that and I am so thankful and blessed by this.  One thing that He has brought to my attention over and over is the fact that Jesus often answered questions or acted in ways or talked about things in astonishing and unexpected ways.

This was true in the discussion about marriage and divorce.  It is also true in the rest of this chapter.

Verses 13-15  When the children were brought to Jesus for Him to bless them and pray for them, the disciples "rebuked" them.  They wanted to exclude the children, but Jesus turned that completely around, calling them the owners of the kingdom:  " Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." 

A third situation is recorded next.  A rich young man came to ask Jesus how to obtain eternal life.  When Jesus tells him to keep the commandments, the man says that he has, but senses he needs to do more.  Jesus tells him to sell all he has and give it to the poor.  The young man is devastated and goes away.   He had a lot of wealth and didn't want to give it all up... even for eternal life.  What really shocks the disciples is what Jesus says next, " Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom."  In their thoughts, the rich should be first in line!  They have been blessed more... they have more to offer... they must be God's first pick!  No, Jesus tells them.... " But many who are first will be last; and the last first."   It's not impossible for them to be saved, for "with God all things are possible."  But, God's outlook on riches is totally different than man's .   It's those who have sacrificed.. families, farms, inheritances ... those, like the disciples who left everything to follow Jesus..  that are the ones who will inherit eternal life.

Jesus is constantly correcting the religious ideals of His disciples, the Pharisees, and the people.  He is revealing God's view to us in His words and actions.  Just in this chapter we are informed about God's view of marriage, His view of children, and His view of riches.
Marriage is a miraculous joining together of two people into one.. by God Himself.
Children are valuable in God's eyes.. they own the Kingdom!
Riches mean nothing, following Jesus means everything!

Father in heaven, You are perfect in all of Your ways. We praise Your infinite wisdom and goodness! We long for Your Kingdom to come in all of its fullness.  Help us to have ears to hear and hearts to receive Your Words here.  To value marriage as You do.  To value children as Your do.  To lay down possessions that are useless.. that rust and decay.. to follow You and gain the true treasure stored up for us in heaven.  Draw us nearer to Your heart, Lord. Transform us by renewing our minds with Your words.  May we walk today by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself up for us.  For we pray in His Mighty Name. Amen

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