Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Matthew 18: 1-14   The disciples ask Jesus a question.  " Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"  In Mark's ( 9:33-37) and Luke's ( 9:46-48) gospels we read that they were actually arguing among themselves.. as to which of them was the greatest.  In all three accounts we find that Jesus takes a child and sets him before them. Mark tells us that He holds the child in His arms, so it was a small child, perhaps a toddler.

The lesson is clear in all three accounts... the question should not be who is greatest, but who is humblest, who is least, who is the servant... who is like Jesus? ( Luke 22:24-27) 

Who is willing to receive a little child in His name?   Jesus is revealing a total opposite meaning to the idea of greatness in His Kingdom, as opposed to the cultural and religious ideas of that time (and ours too).  Greatness is found in receiving a child in Christ's Name... which Jesus says is the same as receiving Him and receiving the Father in Heaven also.  Greatness in God's eyes is determined by : 

the attitude of humility
the heart of a servant
the absence of pride over one's position

Matthew continues with what Jesus chose to focus on as more important than one's position in the Kingdom.. becoming a stumbling block, causing another... even  one little child, to stumble. This is what is most important in God's Kingdom!

A stumbling block - a trap, a snare, an offense; causing one to fall  or to sin;
Jesus says, "Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks." ( v7)
If your hand, your foot, or your eyes causes you to stumble... then "cut it off", Jesus says.  "See that you do not despise one of these little ones..."  The Father sent the Son to "save that which was lost". He is not willing "that one of these little ones perish." 

Do we, like the disciples, ask ourselves the wrong question?  Do we worry that we aren't great enough ... aren't religious enough.. aren't wise or knowledgeable or strong enough in the faith?
Be like a little child?  Are we content to trust Jesus.. to come when He calls.. to sit on His lap?
Can we count ourselves as less than others?
Can we serve instead of expecting others to serve us?
Can we take time from our busyness to touch the life of one small child?
Are we diligent and careful to make sure we are not causing a child to sin?

Father in Heaven, we need You to sanctify us through and through that we might be blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus. Forgive us for the times that we have been stumbling blocks. Forgive us for times when we focus on ourselves and our positions instead of on those who are lost and perishing and in need of the Name of Jesus.  Fill us with your Holy Spirit and lead us in Your paths today, we pray.  In the Name of our Gentle Savior,  Jesus. Amen.

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