Thursday, May 11, 2017

Matthew 12 - continued...

As Jesus continues to interact with the scribes and Pharisees, He reveals more important truths that we need to consider and meditate on so that we can know Him better.

The Pharisees accuse Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebul or Satan.  Jesus gives them basic truth to show them the error of their thinking:
 First, a divided kingdom, city, or house will fall.
So, if Satan casts out himself, he will fall.
If it were true that Jesus was using the authority of Satan to cast him out, then what authority were they using?  Wouldn't it have to be the same?
In accusing Jesus of such a thing, they were actually accusing their selves/sons too.

Then, Jesus gives them a tremendously important truth:  " But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you."   The only One who can cast out Satan is the One who is greater than him - and that is God Himself.  Since Jesus is doing this, with the power and authority of God, then, He is God and King.  Thus the kingdom has come! "The strong man"  is bound and his house is plundered!

Jesus offers a stern warning to the Pharisees about their accusations.  To speak against Him, to sin against Him, or blaspheme Him  - are actions that He will forgive.  But, to speak against, sin against, or blaspheme the Holy Spirit of God are actions that are unforgivable. ( v30-32)  Jesus gives no further explanation of this.  But we are left with a truth that is vital to our understanding of what it means to fear God.

Jesus goes on to say that these words - indeed all words - reveal what "fills the heart".   If we have a good heart... filled with a good treasure, we will speak what is good and will be justified by those words.   But, if our hearts are evil, filled with evil, then what we say will be evil and we will be condemned by our own words.

Words of love, peace, gentleness, kindness, self-controlled, patient, joy filled, and pleasing to the Lord will be evidence of a heart, a life, filled with the Holy Spirit.

Words that hurt, slander, discourage, hate, or rage out of control - are evidence of an evil heart and an evil life.

We will render account for "every careless word" that we speak, Jesus warns us.  How vital it is that we store up spiritual treasures in our hearts - God's Word, God's Spirit, and God's Kingdom, His rule and reign over our whole being - mind, body, and spirit - so that what comes out of our mouths will be to His glory.  Only then will be justified - before Him.  As we read in Proverbs over and over again, and as James also wrote - the tongue, the mouth, is the most dangerous part of us.  It is " a fire, the very world of iniquity;"  it  is "a restless evil and full of deadly poison." ( James 3:6,8)

Father in heaven, You have shown us that we are in desperate need of our Savior.  We repent of using careless, sinful words, Lord.  We surrender our tongues and hearts to You. You are Lord alone, the Creator and Owner of all things - take our mouths, our tongues, our words - and make them always only Your own.  Come Holy Spirit and fill us now.  Teach us and help us to teach our children and grandchildren these vital truths.  In the Name of our Great Savior, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

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