Thursday, May 4, 2017

Matthew 10  Jesus instructs his 12 chosen apostles before sending them out to proclaim the kingdom. He also equips them with authority over unclean spirits and sickness.  

Verses 5-8 Jesus specifies where the disciples were to go - go to the lost sheep - go to the  ones that the Shepherd is looking for; the ones valued and loved by the Father; the ones who belong to Him.  And as you go, " preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'"   This is still the message that we have to share.. as we "go" through our lives journeys... as we encounter those who are lost sheep. We proclaim,  "Come home!  Come to the kingdom, where the Shepherd reigns, where you belong.... where there is healing and cleansing, life and deliverance. "

"..freely you received, freely give."  (v8b) This sentence is included in the instructions to heal the sick, raise the dead.. etc.  It is not about money.   It is about mercy and compassion. It is about the ministry to the physical and spiritual needs of those who we meet along the way.  What has been gifted to us-  we gift to others.

So, we are to seek those who are lost, tell them to come home, and give them what we have received and they desperately need.

Verses 9-15  Jesus sends out His disciples without any extra money, clothes, or reservations.  They go out on faith alone.  They are to be  workers "worthy" of their support; stay with those who are "worthy"; and leave peace upon those houses that are "worthy".   They were to "shake off the dust of your feet" when leaving a house or a city that would not heed the words offered.  Not all will receive the truth of the Gospel.  Not all will receive what we have to give.  It is still our responsibility to live a worthy life and offer the gift.

 Father in heaven,  may we be true disciples of Christ our Lord.  May we have open eyes to see those who are Your lost sheep and may we be diligent to give them the good news, that they can come home to You.  May we be worthy workers, giving out the grace and mercy You have gifted us with.
Lead us Shepherd, even  as You send us out.. whether that is near or far, for You know those who need to hear Your word today.  amen.

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