Monday, May 15, 2017

Matthew 13   Jesus goes outside to sit on the beach.  What a lovely thought that is to me. It is so... human!  Did He enjoy the sound of the waves and the wind on His face?  Did the sun shine on Him and the waves lap at His feet?  I don't know, but it makes me smile to think of Him doing this.

But, then the people begin to gather. Multitudes of people. So many that He had to get on a boat to speak to them.  Matthew records 8 parables that Jesus shared with the people.  When asked by His disciples why He was speaking in parables now, Jesus revealed an important truth using the prophecy of Isaiah.  " For the heart of the people has become dull. and with their ears they scarcely hear, and they have closed their eyes, lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts and return , and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear." ( v15-16)

The parables that Jesus spoke all point out the fact that not everyone has ears to hear.  Not everyone will be saved.  Not everyone desires the kingdom of heaven and not everyone will enter it.

Verses 3-9 and 18-23 record the parable of the sower and Jesus' explanation of it to His disciples.

The Word "of the kingdom"  is like seed that is sowed.  The seeds are scattered freely.  But, not all of the seed will fulfill its purpose.
Some  seeds/words fall on hard ground.  Unprepared ground.  The birds come and eat the seeds; Satan comes and snatches away the word.  In either case there is no germination.  It is gone.

Some seeds/words fall on rocky grounds.  The seeds spring up, but have no room to put down good roots.  In the case of a man.. he hears the word, receives it, but falls away easily.

Some seeds/words fall on thorny ground.  Again it springs up, but is choked off by the thorns.  The word in a man's heart is choked off by " the worry of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches."  It never bears fruit.

Finally, some seeds/words fall on the good soil.  It produces a crop. It fulfills its purpose.  To hear the word and to "understand" it.. this is what produces fruit.

Ears to hear and eyes to see.  Without these we will not understand.  We must open our eyes to the things of the Lord and listen carefully to His word.  We must want to understand.  We must desire it like the hidden treasure or the costly pearl. Understanding does not come without some effort on our part.  We are told to ask, to seek, and to knock. We are told to "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness."  We are told, " He who has ears, let him hear."   Once again, Jesus is calling us through the narrow gate to the narrow path.  We must consciously and diligently be determined to listen to our Shepherd's voice and to follow Him.

Father in heaven and Wonderful Savior,  how blessed and holy.. how kind and how mighty you are.
Satan desires to blind our eyes, but You desire for us to see.  You desire for us to listen carefully and receive all that You have spoken.  We are listening!  Fill us Holy Spirit and teach us all these Words that been given throughout the ages, so that we can know You more. Thank You for giving us all that we need for life and for salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord,  amen.

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