Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Revelation 4   John is invited to experience heaven like  Isaiah and Ezekiel had once recorded.   All three accounts talk about the throne and the creatures.

Isaiah 6:1-6 - Isaiah speaks of  the throne, the train of His robe, the Seraphim with six wings, and the song " Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory."  There is smoke and fire from the burning coal taken from the altar.

Ezekiel 1:1-28 Ezekiel tells of the four "living beings".  He describes them as having "human form", but 4 faces (a man, a lion, a bull, and and eagle)  and 4 wings ( 2 that covered their bodies and 2 that spread out.  They had legs and hands.  They moved without turning.  Each had a wheel " like sparkling beryl" and rims full of eyes.  Above the heads of these creatures, Ezekiel notes the crystal sea and above that the throne " like lapis lazuli".  And on the throne was a fiery Presence with a "radiance around Him", like a rainbow in appearance.

John takes notice of the throne first and the One sitting on the throne. He describes the Lord in terms of brilliant gems - jasper and sardius;  He also notes the rainbow around the throne.  Unlike Isaiah and Ezekiel, John sees 24 more thrones around the center throne.  These are occupied by 24 elders.
There are 7 lamps before the throne.  There is the crystal sea and the 4 living creatures.  This time one resembles a lion, one a calf, one a man, and one an eagle.  They have 6 wings and are "full of eyes".  Their song is " Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come."

Heaven... a place of radiance, beauty, worship and awe.   Where God's Glory is fully known and nothing else can compare...  Where all movement, all sound, all sights... everything flows towards the Holy One on the throne.

We can only imagine.

Father, someday we will join in the songs of worship around Your throne.  Praise to You we sing.. thank You for the joy that is set before us.  Keep our eyes and our hearts, even now, undistracted from Your glory. Amen

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