Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Proverbs 5  The father ( and our Father) has given the clear instructions for gaining and living by wisdom, by the Word, and the warning about what will happen if those instructions are not carefully and diligently pursued and obeyed.  Now, he begins to get more detailed... more specific.. in those instructions.

This chapter focuses on purity, sexual morality, perhaps one of the most difficult areas of human life.  We know that immorality is also one of the most destructive sins in human lives.  It was the same in Solomon's day as it is in ours.  The "adulteress " may entice with "lips like honey" and speech "smoother than oil",  but, " in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword."
In immorality we will find only death, instability, and hell.  To fall for the temptation is to give away your strength, your years, your goods, your health, and to find "utter ruin". 

Wisdom and instruction on the other hand, say:
"Drink from your own cistern, and fresh water from your own well." 
"Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth." 
Be satisfied.
Be exhilarated.
Be faithful.

For God is watching.  God will hold you accountable.  Sin will destroy and enslave. The end of sin is always death.
Death of the soul.
Death of the marriage.
Death of joy and peace.

Our culture has ignored and departed from the teaching of the Word, especially in this area.  Immorality is not only embraced, but championed.   How vital it is to teach our children the Truth.
All too soon they grow accustomed to the ways of the world.  We must be intentional and diligent to speak God's wisdom into their lives,  so I pray:

Father in Heaven, You are Light and in You is no darkness at all.  Purify our hearts and minds once again.  Let Your wisdom which is from above... pure, peaceable , gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering and without hypocrisy... fill us, that we may teach our children and grandchildren these truths. We desire life, love, and righteousness that is found in our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one, for it is the Name of Jesus we ask this. Amen.

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