Thursday, March 9, 2017

Revelation 12  A sign is given "in heaven" .  The woman ready to give birth is thought to be Israel. The child is thought to be Christ or a more recent theory is the church.  Satan attacks, but the woman and her child are saved.  The woman is safe in the wilderness, but the child is caught up to God.  A war between Michael and Satan is waged, and Satan is cast down to the earth. There he angrily wages war for any that are still left that have put their trust in Jesus.

I do not begin to understand or say for certain what all this means and how it will actually happen.  But this one thing I know, Christ is coming for His Bride!  We need to be ready and watching.  We can be certain that our God has shown us the future events for His purposes... that we might be prepared and that we might speak out the Truth so that others can know.

Father in heaven, You alone know the day and the hour of Christ's return.  You know when the trumpet will sound and the church will be caught up to Your throne.  We want to be ready.  We want to trust and obey faithfully every day, for we do not want to be caught unprepared, like the maidens who failed to bring enough oil.  Fill us Holy Spirit, that we might be alert and ready for the Day of His appearing.  Lord Jesus, come quickly . Amen!

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