Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Revelation 3:7-13  The letter to Philadelphia.   Here, Jesus describes Himself as holy and true, and as the One who holds the key of David.  He has the power to open and shut.. and no one can oppose Him.   The church is noted for their deeds.  ( Ephesus and Thyatira and Sardis letters also have this statement, " I know your deeds")  In this case, the Lord commends them for keeping His word and not denying His name. He promises them an open door and victory over Satan.
Because of their perseverance , He promises deliverance from the severe testing to come on the earth.
Jesus promises His quick return and exhorts them to hold on.  Those who overcome will dwell with God.  They will be a pillar in His temple, they will have His Name written on them, and they will experience the joy of the new Jerusalem.

3:14-22 The letter to Laodicea.  Jesus, "The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God," again says, " I know your deeds".  But, the deeds recognized here are "lukewarm". 

The deeds in Ephesus were good, but lacked love.
The deeds in Thyatira were good, but lacked purity.
The deeds in Sardis were uncompleted.
The deeds in Philadelphia had little power but were unstoppable.
To Smyrna, Jesus said, " I know your tribulation.." 
To Pergamum, He said, " I know where you dwell... " 

Lukewarmness is offensive to the Lord.  He is ready to spit them out because of it.  The church in Laodicea needed to humble itself and realize the depth of its poverty.  They needed to be refined and reproved.  They needed to repent.   The call to open the door and allow Christ in is found here.  Once again there is a promise to the overcomer - " He who overcomes, I will grant him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on HIs throne." 

What does Christ have to say about our deeds?  Personally or corporately?
Are my deeds lacking love?
Is the church lacking purity?
Are we leaving the work of Christ undone?
Are we keeping His word and known as those loved by God?
Jesus knows the testing we will go through.
He knows the place that we dwell.
Is the Lord, the Amen, the faithful and true witness, testifying of our faithfulness or our lukewarmness?

Father in Heaven,  draw us into Your holy Presence and refine us again until we are pure gold, until we are overcomers and have Your Name written on us!  Forgive our blindness and unworthiness.  Change our hearts forever Jesus as we hear Your voice and open the door so that You can come in and dine with us.  Help us to hold fast until You come.  We look to You Jesus, for You are our all in all. In Your Name we pray, Amen.

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