Thursday, March 16, 2017

Proverbs 2

Verses 1-4 show us the steps that we need to intentionally take ( and teach our children to take) in order to "discern the fear of the Lord, and discover the knowledge of God" ( v5):

1st we must "receive" the Word being taught.
We must treasure it in our hearts - to hide it, protect it, and esteem it.
We must "make [our ears] attentive to wisdom.
We must "incline [our hearts] to understanding"
We must "cry for discernment".
We must pray for understanding.
We must seek it.. as more valuable than money or treasures.

In other words, this is not a casual relationship with the Word of God.  It is not a quick, " Well, I've read my verses.. or chapters.. for today and I'm done..."  kind of devotional time.  To receive it, treasure it, heed it, pray about it, and seek it... means that we must devote time and effort and our full attention, with prayer, as we open our Bibles and read.  It means that we "hear" the Voice of God as we read what He has preserved for us and says to us by the power of His Holy Spirit.

Verses 6-12 tells us that the Word of God, the knowledge of God, comes to us because it is the Lord who "gives wisdom".   It is from His mouth that "knowledge and understanding " comes.  When we treat God's Word this way we find that it is "sound wisdom" - substantial - real, strong, active, reliable.  More than that,  "He is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice, and He preserves the way of His godly ones."  God, Himself, is Present and actively involved in using His Word to lead us so that we can "discern righteousness and justice and equity and every good course."  
He will put His wisdom into our hearts.
He will give us knowledge that is "pleasant to " our souls.
He will give us "discretion" that will guard us and "understanding" that will watch over us to "deliver [us] from the way of evil."

The way of God, the way of wisdom, found in His Word delivers us from:
those who speak " perverse things" - frauds
those who walk in darkness
those who delight in doing evil;
those who enjoy doing evil;
those who are crooked;
those who are devious;
those who are immoral;
those who lead to death;

"So you will walk in the way of good men, and keep to the paths of the righteous. For the upright will live in the land, and the blameless will remain in it."  ( v20)  While the wicked are "cut off" and "uprooted."

Oh how I wish I had listened better, heeded more, and known these truths in my life!  Don't you?
We must make sure our children and grandchildren learn this!  Let us teach them that the Word of God is of more value than anything the world has to offer for it is God's voice leading us to life.. to everything good and wonderful.. and away from everything evil and deadly!  Let us pray for them to learn these truths.

Father in heaven, this is Your will, may it be done! Amen.

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