Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Revelation 8-11  The seventh seal is opened and seven angels prepare to sound seven trumpets.  With each trumpet blast another disaster falls on the earth.
1 - hail, fire and blood are thrown down to the earth and burn up 1/3 of the earth, the trees, and the grass .
2- a mountain of fire was thrown into the sea turning into blood and killing 1/3 of the sea creatures and destroying 1/3 of the ships.
3- a great burning star falls and poisons 1/3 of the rivers and springs, killing many.
4- 1/3 of the sun, the moon, and the stars are darkened.
5- the bottomless pit is opened and deadly locusts are set free to torture men for 5 months
6-4 angels are released to kill 1/3 of all mankind, 200 million horsemen are also sent to kill

Those left on the earth, we are told, still refuse to repent and turn away from their worship of demons.
John hears 7 peals of thunder but is not allowed to write about the message given.  He is told to take the little book that a strong angel is holding and to eat it. It is sweet to taste but bitter to the stomach.
Then the 2 witnesses are introduced.  These two are given1,260 days to prophesy in Jerusalem before they are killed and then raised to life after 3 1/2 days.

Finally, the 7th trumpet is sounded and worship breaks out in heaven again.
"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever" sound out the voices in heaven.
The 24 elders add their song, " We give Thee thanks, O Lord God the Almighty who are and who wast, because Thou hast taken Thy great power and hast begun to reign." 

The time has come. God's heavenly temple is opened and the ark of His covenant appears.
Lightning and thunder, an earthquake and a hailstorm accompany this great event.

Judgement will come to this earth.  We will one day see the end of wickedness and the final judgement of sin.  Whether we experience from this side or from heaven, we cannot know.  But, it will happen.  The only hope we have to escape the horrors to come, is through Jesus Christ.  Once again I find my heart sorrowing for those who refuse to repent from their sins, to turn to Jesus, and to find His mercy and grace while it can be found.

Father in heaven,  Merciful and Mighty,  I plead with You to save my loved ones that are not walking in Your Truth and Light.  Father, will You open their blind eyes and speak into their darkened hearts? O Lord, grant them a heart to seek You and to find You, to surrender to You, and to be brought into the Kingdom of Your Beloved Son!  I ask this in His Mighty Name, the Name of Jesus,  Amen.

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