Friday, March 24, 2017

Proverbs 8 presents wisdom personified.... a voice calling to us to find this place of life and favor and blessing.   She is found everywhere:
on the mountain heights
at the crossroads
by the gates where business is transacted
at the entrance into the city
Where ever we go... high or low, busy or silent.. we can find wisdom if we will listen and discern it. 

Wisdom speaks of things:

She will never speak wickedness or of things crooked or perverse.

Her teaching is:
better than silver or gold
more desirable than anything else we could desire
sound and powerful

"The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way, and the perverted mouth, I hate." 

Wisdom brings with her:

Wisdom belongs to God, "The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way, before His works of old."  She was established before the world was made.  Wisdom was a "master workman", a "daily delight" to the Lord.

"Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts. For he who finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord."  (v35)

And so I pray:

Father in heaven, Wisdom is yours and so is understanding. These we desire and yearn for, from Your Hands. The psalmist wrote, "Thou dost open Thy hand and dost satisfy the desire of every living thing." ( Psalm 145:16) And, "He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry and will save them." ( v19)  When our desire is for Wisdom from above, surely this is a promise that You will completely and utterly fulfill!  How wonderful is Your Word and Your Spirit to give such an amazing promise.  All that we need, all that we could ever want... is found in You.  We desire love and righteousness and justice. We tremble to mention ... riches, honor and wealth.. and yet those are also the gifts that wisdom provides.  We ask too little and trust You for such lesser things, when You, the Creator of heaven and earth, He who owns the cattle on a thousand hills and wealth in every mine... have already given us the most costly and priceless gift.. Your own Son.  Transform my thinking Lord,  to conform with Your thoughts that are so Wonderful and far above my own. I come asking once again in the Name of the Precious One, Jesus Christ, amen.

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