Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Proverbs 1  Here, the author writes, we will find... wisdom, instruction, understanding, wise behavior, righteousness, justice, equity, prudence, knowledge, and discretion. By hearing, increasing our learning,  and acquiring good counsel, we will prosper in life.  By teaching our children ( and grandchildren) these things, we will give them a chance to live a good life.. a life pleasing to the Lord.  But it has to begin at the most vital point - "the fear of the Lord".  

Verse 8 gives a lesson that we must teach our children from the time they are little.. " Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and do not forsake your mother's teaching."    Children need to be taught how to listen and how to obey their parents.   This assumes that the parents are teaching their children the truth, the Word of God.   Discipline is meant to be instruction in right behavior, not punishment for bad behavior.    We need to lovingly.. gracefully.. mentor our children in biblical righteousness. 

Verses 10-19  Here is a lesson that we need to make sure our children GET... (before they turn into teenagers)...
There are evil people who will try to "entice" them to do wrong, to sin.
They will do everything to get them  to follow their evil paths and to do the awful things that they want to do.
Teach them not to  fall for it!
For "They ambush their own lives."  It is a path that leads  to death.

Verses 20-33 On the other hand, we need to teach our children how to listen to Wisdom.
Wisdom's voice is often snuffed out by the noise of the world, so we need to teach them how to find it, in His Word. (v20-22)
They will need to "turn" to wisdom's "reproof".  The word "turn" in Hebrew is shuwb - and has the idea of returning, retreating, coming home.. drawing back or withdrawing from (the world).   We need to teach our children where to find real answers and truth.  "Reproof"  speaks of correction, chastisement , proof, reasoning.. and rebuke.  It is the argument for what is right.
The reward of those who will listen to wisdom is security and they "shall be at ease from the dread of evil." (v33)  Peace!
But the consequences for refusing to listen to wisdom is calamity, dread, distress, anguish, and destruction. ( v24-32)

We all need to know these truths and to live accordingly.  We can probably point back to times in our own lives where we failed to turn to wisdom's ways and ignored her call.  How much more do we desire for our children and grandchildren to avoid those deadly traps in this day and age?
So, instead of tv, video games, and endless entertainment,  let us make a greater effort to spend time with those who God has given us, to teach them these vital Truths!  I want to be more diligent and intentional about this.. so I pray...

Father in heaven, You are all wise and all powerful.  You are the Voice of wisdom and understanding and Your Word is the source of Life.  Help me... help us, to hear what Your Word says today and then to DO IT!  Give us the will and ability and the opportunity to teach our children and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren Your truth that they might live righteously and wisely with knowledge that is based on the principle of proper fear of our Almighty God.  O, Lord, help us to be faithful in Christ Jesus, to whom we give glory and honor and praise. Amen.

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