Friday, March 17, 2017

Proverbs 3 To live in the "fear of the Lord" according to the knowledge He gives and the wisdom He provides is of such great value!  This chapter gives us an account of the many, many benefits of listening and doing what He is teaching:

Length of days  and years of life ; v2
favor and good repute; v4
straight paths; v6
healing to your body; v8
refreshment to your bones;
barns filled with plenty; v10
vats overflowing;
profits better than silver or gold; v14
long life; v16
riches and honor;
pleasant ways; v17
paths of peace;
happiness; v18
life to the soul; v22
security ; v23
sweet sleep; v24
confidence instead of fear; v 26
intimacy with God; v32
blessings on your home; v33
grace in affliction; v 34
honor; v35

What more could we ask for? And these are just the ones that are given in our life on earth, how much greater are His benefits to us in eternal glory!!

These are God's desires for each of us!  And they are ours as we take His Word into our hearts and trust Him... lean on Him, have confidence in Him, and find our support in Him.  We must learn to not "lean on [our] own understanding".. to not try to support ourselves with what we know, or think we know.  But, "acknowledge Him".. see Him in everything, observe, recognize, sense, be aware, discern, discover.. Him!  He is here, in every path, in every day, in every choice... if we will turn our eyes to Him instead of thinking we our "wise" in ourselves.

There are commandments that God wants us to remember as we walk in His ways.
"Do not let kindness and truth leave you;..." v3
"Honor the Lord from your wealth.." v9
"Do not reject the discipline of the Lord.." v11
"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it." v27-28
"Do not devise harm against your neighbor..." v29 
"Do not envy a man of violence , and do not choose any of his ways." v31

Father, All Glorious and Gracious King, we give You praise and bless Your Name.  You are good!  Your ways are wonderful and perfect.  Why do we struggle to submit everything to You?  How do we stray so easily?  Help us, Lord, to keep Your Word, to  bind them to our necks, and write them on the tablets of our hearts.  Give us ears to hear and to obey Your Word by the power of Your Spirit and in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  May we be faithful to teach our children and grandchildren the Way of  Truth.  Thank You . amen

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