Thursday, March 23, 2017

Proverbs 7  Listen the the father's voice, urgently calling his child to his words... and hear our Father's voice, also calling us to His Word:
"My son, keep my words, and treasure my commandments within you. Keep my commandments and live."
To keep the Word as the "apple of your eye" is to have it intimately close, so close that its reflection is seen in the pupil of the eye.
"Bind them on your fingers."
"Write them on the tablet of your heart." 
Call them your sister.... your closest friend.

It is the Word of God, the words of wisdom ,that keep each of us from the seductions of the world.
Once again the writer uses the illustration of the adulteress woman, but it could be anything that draws us away from the narrow gate and the narrow way.  The tactics of the enemy are not easily resisted, for he uses:
boisterous and rebellious.. ( exciting?) adventures
delightful experiences
 He is:
The same snake that tempted Eve in the garden, using the same tactics, wants to lure us as victims until we are also "like an ox (who) goes to the slaughter". 
It is an "arrow ... through his liver"
A bird.. "to the snare". 
It is the path to Sheol.. to the "chambers of death." 

WE MUST listen to the Word, we must pay attention, we must bind it to us .. to our hearts, our eyes, our hands.  We must teach it and preach it to our children! And so I pray:

Father, our Great and Mighty God, who has written Your Word on our hearts, etching them by Your Spirit and transforming our minds by the Mind of Christ, we praise You!  Fill us again and again with the Holy Spirit.  Overflow our lives with Your grace and glory.  Spirit of power, move in us to do Your will, especially to be faithful to teach our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren Your Word.  Fill their hearts with faith and love, rooted and growing in Christ Jesus the True Vine, for it is in His Name that we ask these things. Amen.

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