Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Proverbs 10 begins the "proverbs of Solomon".  The rest of this book contains statements contrasting the way of wisdom with the way of folly.  These words address every aspect of life and the consequences for choosing either one path or the other.  The way of wisdom is clear:

When we walk in God's wisdom we will:
make our fathers glad - v1
be delivered from death - v2
be kept from hunger - v3
work hard and profit from it - v4
act wisely in whatever our work is-v5
receive blessings - v6
be remembered well - v7
receive instruction well - v8
walk in integrity and security - v9
speak words of life - v11
Love v12
be discerning and speak wisdom - v13
store up knowledge -v14
receive life-v16
stay on the path of life - v17
restrain our lips - v19
speak only what is of value - v20
speak only what is helpful -v21
receive the blessing and the joy of the Lord - v22
receive the desires of our hearts - v24
have an "everlasting foundation" - v25
have "prolonged life" -v27
have the "hope of... gladness" - v28
find that His way is a "stronghold" -v29
not be shaken - v30
speak wisdom - v31
and " bring forth what is acceptable" - v32

If I were to try to sum up these benefits of walking in Wisdom's ways, I would say.. "Grace!  Grace!  Glorious Grace!"  Just look at what God gives us when we choose this path - Life!  Blessings! Security! Purpose! Love!   All that we need and all that we really want, when we come right down to it.  We want this for ourselves and our families.. and so we pray:

Father in heaven, Giver of life and hope and love,  we bless Your Name and give You thanks and praise!  You are the God of light and joy and all that is right and wise.  Yes, we confess, we want Wisdom and we search for her as for gold or silver, for her value is greater than anything on this earth.  May we seek earnestly to live this life of integrity and completeness in Christ our Lord.   Fill us Holy Spirit, that we may clearly hear the voice of our God, the voice of wisdom , who says, "This is the way, walk in it!"  For we surrender all to Your leading, in Christ Jesus our king, amen.

I cannot end this without going back and noting how many of these words deal with our lips and tongues - to speak life, wisdom, what is of value, what feeds the hungry, what is acceptable - we must have His Wisdom and knowledge.  We receive it from Him so that we can extend it to others.  And when we fail, which we all do, let us remember verse 12b " But Love covers all transgressions." 
Praise the Lord!!!

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