Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Revelation 2: 8-11 Letter to the church in Smyrna.
Jesus, "the first and the last, who was dead and has come to life.."  speaks to the church about life. 

He knows their troubles.
He knows their poverty.
He knows their future.
He knows their enemy.
He knows that death is a real possibility in the near future for some of them.

"Be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life."  Jesus promises them.

Hear this promise. Count on it and overcome. The second death.. judgement and eternal punishment is what really hurts... but when you stay faithful to the Lord,  you will never die again.

Verses 12-17  Letter to the church in Pergamum
Jesus, "The One who has the sharp two-edged sword"... speaks about Truth. 
They were being faithful to His name.
They were witnesses of the faith.
They were being persecuted in a place known as Satan's dwelling.

This city still exists. It is known as Bergama, Turkey.  There are ancient ruins, past temples for false gods such as Athena, and a large altar for Zeus.  False religion permeated this city from top to bottom. The church was struggling.
Some "held the teaching of Balaam."
Some followed the Nicolaitians.
Both of these joined with the idol worshippers in gross immorality. The church was guilty of tolerating such sinfulness.

Jesus called the church to repent.  He warns them that unless they do He will "war agains them with the sword of [His] mouth."  But, if they do repent and overcome He will give them two incredible gifts:  hidden manna and a white stone that is inscribed with a new name.

I am not sure what all of that means.  But, I know that I do not want to be at war with Jesus and I do want to receive from Him the gifts of life, manna, and a new name.  I want to know Him in all the fulness of Who He is. ... as the One who was dead and now lives.. and as the One whose sword sharply divides the truth from the lies.

Thank You Father for the gifts You freely have given to us as Your children.  Teach us how to keep walking in Your ways and to be free of the lies of our enemy.  Thank You for victory in Jesus.  Thank You that we are overcomers in Christ!  Thank You that we have true life in Jesus.  All praise and glory we give to Your Name. Amen!

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